Recent content by kahlil88

  1. Solved Clone from SATA to NVMe won't boot

    Yes, I ran sc config stornvme start= boot prior to cloning and used the existing EFI partition, just renamed the previous EFI dir and rebuilt the BCD for the new Windows system with bcdboot C:\Windows /S S: /l en-us /f UEFI(and I always check/assign the drive letters in diskpart). I did finally...
  2. Solved Clone from SATA to NVMe won't boot

    To clarify, I am only cloning the OS partition. The original OS that came with the new computer has been backed up to the end of the drive in case I have to give up and use PCMover. ddrescue will do a byte for byte copy of a drive or partition to another physical device or to an image, but I...
  3. Solved Clone from SATA to NVMe won't boot

    I've cloned countless systems SATA to SATA and most of the time SATA to NVMe has worked if I remembered to enable the stornvme driver on boot, but I've been struggling the past few days with a fairly new HP laptop. Original computer stopped booting due to failed GPU so I put the hard drive in a...
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