Recent content by martyfelker

  1. Microsoft is blocking Windows 11 build upgrades on systems with StartAllBack

    I can tell what was next for me and why I removed Windows from any hard or solid-state drive. After it was installed on a new system I applied an update and it destroyed one of my Linux installations - in this case Garuda. So naturally I reinstalled Garuda over Windows and will not go back...
  2. Insider Windows 11 Insider Canary build 26200.5001 (24H2) - April 19

    VMware has two features that QEMU/KVM does not have. First, it has a Suspend power feature, which survives a reboot and second the ability to make a snapshot of a running VM. Otherwise I pretty much agree with you. We will see what happens with VMware WS 18
  3. Insider Windows 11 Insider Canary build 26200.5001 (24H2) - April 19

    I am trying to install Office 365 and UbuntuVM under VMware. Both install, but I don't give a damn. Windows seems to have decided to wipe out Garuda Linux once again. So its gone. I will install Garuda Linux over it, wiping the entire drive. Then I will install Ubuntu 2024 Any comments...
  4. Win 11 under VirtualBox, Win 10- a couple of snags

    I used Stardock products since they were only writing for OS/2 Warp (I wish IBM had not abandoned it under pressure from Microsoft). I no longer have too many things to say about Windows and Microsoft without lapsing into the vernacular. Writing now from Fedora Rawhide, where I can't use...
  5. Insider Windows 11 Insider Canary build 26200.5001 (24H2) - April 19

    Looks like it is not communicating with the BIOS but I'm far f rom a Windows Canary expert.
  6. Insider Windows 11 Insider Canary build 26200.5001 (24H2) - April 19

    I understand that giving up a few shareware programs I have bought (actually thousands of dollars) will be difficult, if not impossible, to run under, say, Wine; almost everything I personally need is available on Linux. I am not a gamer but have bought a gaming motherboard (A Gigabyte Ultra...
  7. Insider Windows 11 Insider Canary build 26200.5001 (24H2) - April 19

    I want advice on switching from DEV to CANARY because of Virtual Machine VM consideration since Microsoft switched me, without notice, from CANARY to DEV, and only because I switched back on my new SSD, it was not in time for my VMware VM. No matter I am debaing at the mmemtn whether to...
  8. Insider Windows 11 Insider Canary and Dev build 26100.1 (24H2) - April 3

    New build. It best be exciting, or I will free up my hard disk and install Ubuntu - assuming they figure out their new install program because they unwisely gave up Calamares, which Lubutn and Kubuntu did not.
  9. Insider Windows 11 Insider Canary and Dev build 26100.1 (24H2) - April 3

    This is the Canary channel. As far as I know there will NEVER be an RTM build
  10. Windows performance question

    Based on the following post from Betanews and my own experience, Windows's performance is pretty slow compared to most (maybe all) of the Linux distros I have used. is pretty slow even with a new hard drive, motherboard with 65 gb RAM and Ryzen 7 processor. It also ate my Garuda install...
  11. have to clone a virt-manager Windows VM

    I did set up my PIN (entering a Windows password and then emailing code) but with no other VM )Linux or BSD), so I have to go through these conformations. Obviously, I cloned the original using virt-clone; otherwise, I'm sure I would have to go through these absurdities again. And yes the...
  12. Insider Windows 11 Insider Canary 26090.1 and Dev build 26090.112 (KB5037477) 24H2 - March 29

    Downloading both VM instances (VMware and QEMU/KVM) they are at 40% installed. Both VMs were successfully installed. For VMware, I purge the previous build, make a snapshot, and suspend the VM. For QEMU/KVM I also purge the previous Windows but have to turn off the VM to make a snapshot -...
  13. Fedora 41 users -- enable VLC to play H264/H265/HEVC etc again

    Not pertinent to this post but in an earlier post, you asked me where I got Fedora 41 and of course it was the Fedora Nightly Compose Finder
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