Recent content by RFS

  1. I bought an 8Tb disk on AliExpress for 21 dollars and I will explain the result to you.

    Seems for 2024 there are new models of External SSD Drives. Now you can get "128TB" drives with 480MB/s speed for just £21 from Ali Express! And they come in a choice of colours too.... See here.
  2. "Your IT Admin Has Restricted Access To This Item"

    According Intel's list the 8400T processor is supported for Windows 11. It may be that the TPM is not enabled in the BIOS. Also it exepects secure boot to be enabled too.
  3. "Your IT Admin Has Restricted Access To This Item"

    The 8400T is an 8th generation Intel processor that was first released in April 2018. It's good for W11 but is around 6 years old.
  4. Insider Windows 11 Insider Release Preview build 26100.712 version 24H2 - May 22

    I've upgraded 3 systems to 24H2 but all of them occasionally show this popup error. Nothing in Event Viewer to corresppond to it. Anyone else seeing it?
  5. 0xc00000e

    Gopgle "winload.efi" and you'll find many articles describing how to fix this error.
  6. Win Update KB5036035 Cumulative Update Preview .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 (23H2)

    This appeared on my PCs under optional updates, so had go and get it.
  7. Upgrade my 'unsupported' hardware to Win 11 or stick with Win 10?

    Which will require new, expensive machines, the cost of which will be much greater than upgrading your existing machines to be compliant.
  8. Solved Adding day to system tray clock produces Excel date format side effect

    Finally realized what's happening. When you specify the date as ddd?MM/dd/yyyy it's whatever you've used in the ? field that Excel is using as the delimiter. Suspect it's probably working by accident rather than design ....
  9. Solved Adding day to system tray clock produces Excel date format side effect

    Just found what to me is a satisfactory solution. Specify your short date as ddd/MM/dd/yyyy and then it appears in the tray as Sun/02/18/2024, and is also correct in Excel with the '/'. Wife's PC has Excel 2016 (has Home and Business 2016 installed locally) and it works correctly now too.
  10. Solved Adding day to system tray clock produces Excel date format side effect

    I've tried making the same change as you and I get the day on the taskbar with the time. But with Excel (Office 2021) dates, the '/' is replaced by ',' - ie it now shows 18,02,2024 for todays date (UK format).
  11. why do windows updates take so long to download???

    For a cumulative update, Windows first works out what parts of it you need so that the download can be tailored accordingly. I suspect a lot of the time is spent doing that, rather than actually downloading. I noticed an update recently where the download seemed to be stuck on 7%, and then...
  12. Solved Macrium Home users

    Now fixed.
  13. Solved Latest Macrium Reflect updates

    Now fixed.
  14. Solved Macrium Home users

    I'm using the free edition 8.0.7690. It's now telling me version 8.0.7783 is available for download, but when I try that, I get HTTP Error 403, which means authentication was refused by the server.
  15. Text code numbers for added security

    You can set your device to being a trusted device. I've done that for my desktop PC for both Ebay and Paypal and now rarely get sent a code via text.
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