Seriously you guys are the best, the screenshots (like the one from Try3/Denis), the detailed responses - thank you so much :) .. antspants comment " just adding an appointment to the TO Do list, would ensure they are “Forever”available until dismissed is particuarly comforting I had no idea...
Again thank you all very much for your helpful and informative replies :) ... this in particular is very helpful info, that you can mark something as a "task" to complete and it will just stay there in that right hand pane in outlook ... can you just create a task and it stays there forever in...
thanks so much for the replies everyone and all the great advice :) ... and sorry it's true I do long walls of text can't seem to make myself more concise :( ...
I've tried attaching a screenshot (please ignore the clumsy blacking out of what I thought was sensitive info :p ) to show the...
Hi guys :) .. you were so helpful here
that I thought I would ask a related question.
I've done some research on the Outlook 2021 license I purchased (cheaply at least :P , gamespot affiliate...
Again thank you all so much :) ... although my apologies I definitely did not mean to start any arguments or conflicts :( ... and got it , no need to worry about the compatibility pack since I'm just worried about getting the outlook 2003 pst file into my outlook 2021 when I get it installed...
Thanks for this Berton :) .. I just wanted to clarify.. if I'm only using outlook 2003's calendar function (I'm not using MS Word,Excel, Powerpoint and so forth I heard that the 2003 versions are easy targets for hacking and viruses and generally speaking a big security risk) .. are you saying I...
Denis thanks for this :) .. I just wanted to be clear, you are recommending that I not go with the import the pst option like Dru2 suggested and use this method instead? (maybe importing the pst file will create a "hiccup" or problem in the process so it's better to do it this way?)
thanks very much for this you guys I can't believe it didn't occur to me to look on youtube first ! The links are super helpful :) .. and my apologies I should have been more clear, yes I'm using the wrong word I'm talking about calendar appointments I should not be using the word...
trumpy81 thanks for that :) .. I do remember looking at those when I was trying in vain to google search some sort of way to import pst files into newer versions of outlook that go the ics route.. it's possible I might be misunderstanding it but I think if you have a zillion reminders like I do...
Thank you all for replying so quickly :) .. I didn't mention this in the original post but elevenforum has had a lot of useful info that I've pulled from it in the past (questions about Macrium Reflect that you guys already answered you often show up in google search when some ignorant person...
Hi there, brand new to the forum so apologies if I unintentionally break any rules!
I have been using an ancient (bad I know) version of Outlook, 2003, for many years and have a ton of appointments on the calendar that I need to migrate over to my new purchase of Outlook 2021 that came with my...