Recent content by bwhipp

  1. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Maybe I missed something. How do you control what how and when. I only use WSUS for servers not clients. Clients I could care less and they get updates from Microsoft every week but Servers I want to control when and what they get. How to do this otherwise? Should this be another question to the...
  2. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Yes but the Quick Assist is more cumbersome. I will use QA but won't like it :(
  3. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Probably not a dream. Microsoft is Pushing for Teams. they got rid of Skype. They also are pushing to get rid of WSUS. Another great product that we will loose control over how computers/Servers get updated.
  4. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Had already done the GPO so Tutorial is not help but thanks for looking into this.
  5. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Well, I see this and I think Maybe Microsoft disabled it recently in an update. It States that Quick Assist is the new way. But I will try the above Tutorial because MSRA is just so easy to use...
  6. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Thank you
  7. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    I am getting this error in my event viewer only. The computer trying to send the invitation. If I have someone request help with a file it works but it does not work when I am trying to send using the Advanced connection option DCOM got error "2147746132" from the computer computername when...
  8. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Is Quick Assist MSRA? BTW, I have 23H2 so it is not just 24H2, although it could be that my Domain is 24H2 and upgraded the functional level as well.
  9. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    OK, So the "Allow Remote Assistance..." option is grayed out. I assume this is because I have GPO enabling it?
  10. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    dacrone solution looked promising but after deletion and reimport, sill no go.
  11. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Sorry for not putting in any pleasantries. I do appreciate all and every responses anyone will make. I will do better in the future.
  12. Windows 11 24H2 Breaks MSRA.

    Can't find anything on the google to fix this. Updating to Windows 11 24H2 breaks Remote Assistance. Made sure my GPO is good but still get the errors for Your offer to help could not be sent. Do you have the correct permissions on the remote computer. Is the remote computer turned on, and is it...
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