Recent content by Caxtin

  1. Recovery Drive Creator Cannot Recognize Any USB

    I have completely shut down the PC, restarted, and still the same. Also, I went further. Say once in six months or so, I tend to create a Windows USB with the "Create Windows 11 Installation Media", and reinstall Windows, which refreshes and 'repairs' my OS. Still, the computer could not see the...
  2. Recovery Drive Creator Cannot Recognize Any USB

    Thank you! I have AOMEI Backupper images and a Bootable Media ( USB ) drive, which I tend to re-create after any Backupper update. Isn't the Backuppper Bootable Media ( USB ) different from the Windows Recovery Drive? - AOMEI Backupper - 840 MB files in a 2 GB USB drive - Windows 11 Recovery...
  3. Recovery Drive Creator Cannot Recognize Any USB

    Dell XPS 8960 / Windows 11 Pro / 64 Bit / 22H2 / ( OS Build 26.100.3194 ) I need to recreate a Recovery Drive USB. However, now I cannot. I have tried two other USB ports, and also used a different USB drive, still the creator would not recognize a USB. I can access the USB drives, copy or...
  4. System Will Not Go To Sleep

    Ok, I got what you sent. Thank you so much. I will check on it. I would have to re-read it all over and over to get all the English descriptions. Surely will report back after I get to it. Thanks again!
  5. System Will Not Go To Sleep

    Here's mine.
  6. System Will Not Go To Sleep

    Oh, my bad now I know what you mean. The issue with the XPS is, the system goes to "Sleep" in theory, but nothing goes off, just like the PC is running still. I have tried different sleep configurations. Dell keep saying it is by design.
  7. System Will Not Go To Sleep

    Could you please be more explicit on what you mean here?
  8. System Will Not Go To Sleep

    I called Dell. The first option did not work, which was: - Shut down the PC - Unplug the power cord - Press down on the power button for ten seconds - Plug back the power cable - Power on the PC When I move the mouse or the any key on the keyboard, the PC did NOT wake up. I shut it down to...
  9. System Will Not Go To Sleep

    I have been using Hibernate instead, though it is still different from Sleep. Hibernate is just like powering up the system. My other Dell computers, and the one at the office, all I do is just touch a key on the keyboard or move the mouse and all shows on the screen in two seconds. Hibernate is...
  10. System Will Not Go To Sleep

    After technical supports from the Dell technicians, remote connected help to resolve my XPS 8960 not going to sleep, sending the a technician to replace the processor and the motherboard, after all these occasions, I will be told the situation is by design. If Dell knows, why keep trying to fix...
  11. Need To Encrypt A Partition

    Just noticed this from the app.
  12. Need To Encrypt A Partition

    Am glad I asked sent out the original post. I sure have learned a lot from the two of you with respect to encryption. Sometimes the English langues becomes a hindrance to me in expressing exactly what I need or want. Currently, I have a USB flash drive I use to save my personal file. When I...
  13. Need To Encrypt A Partition

    Ok, this is a new encryption knowledge for me. This partition I showed is new in an older drive, created just for a test run. 1. The files I need to encrypt will not be up to 100mb and about ten or twenty of them. Wouldn't encrypting the individual files be more cumbersome? 2. I would like...
  14. Need To Encrypt A Partition

    I am consciously needing to lock ( Encrypt ) a partition. I created a small partition to play encryption with. My goal is to encrypt just that partition ( Z:\ ). I am confused in what comes up. Explanation please !!! Cheers
  15. System Will Not Go To Sleep

    UPDATE After so many technical support help to make my Dell XPS8960 go do sleep, at the end of each support, I will be told that the XPS system is so by design. Dell even went as far as to send a technician to my me to replace the mother board and the processor. Later, Dell told me my system...
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