Recent content by computerjoe

  1. Never Seen Before

    LAST UPDATE: Contacted Dell again, they took remote control and learned that this Windows Pro computer was built as Windows 11 Home. They tried to update the BIOS and failed. They said went to Best Buy from Dell. My guy bought it from Amazon and it was shipped from one of their vendors. My...
  2. Never Seen Before

    If I start windows without wifi I don't get all icons, some are only in desktop folder in OneDrive. Changes to Registery seem to disappear too. I need to double check that now
  3. Never Seen Before

    I can start Windows 11 but constant warnings until I log to internet and OneDrive is available
  4. Never Seen Before

    I looked in policies for anything uwfmgr.exe doesn't exist on hard drive, from what I've read UnifiedWriteFilter needs IoT Enterprise windows
  5. Never Seen Before

    What for? I have tried that. One of the first things Problem is still there that no changes stay, everything reverts to before 2-7-25 settings. I
  6. Never Seen Before

    Ok, this Dell is drawing part of its desktop from OneDrive. If I don't log into WiFi I don't get all the desktop icons, only what you get on a fresh install. After attaching to OneDrive I get shortcuts I created and the one app the user added before it got screwed up. Does OneDrive make Win 11...
  7. Never Seen Before

    Thanks all. The last updates queued had firmware updates in them. Try as I could downloading the BIOS from Dell and running it nothing would run, no typical screen, just waiting and nothing would happen. Even tried USB boot disk and BIOS update. Ghaaa!
  8. Windows 11 system settings only temporarily applies changes - resets upon reboot

    I have a very similar issue. A windows 12 Pro. Someone said it sounds like what he corporation does to prevent any files really being saved or setting changes save to the local PC. Look up Unified Write Filter. Let me know if it helps. I'm still stumped
  9. Never Seen Before

    Well...Monday I'm going to pull the SSD and use and adapter to make it a second Hard drive on another PC. Then going to try and BLOW IT TO HELL! 😄
  10. Never Seen Before

    I've called Dell Friday, told to download a support utility, Run Scan Hardware then Update Drivers and problem would be fixed. After reboot Support Utility was gone.
  11. Never Seen Before

    Diskpart says disk is not ready only. Everywhere else shows a healthy disk. Just one...I think OneDrive notice. Not sure what generated the disk warning
  12. Never Seen Before

  13. Never Seen Before

    I got a notification about drive health. It said the SSD was "set to read only...backup in case of drive failure ". I checked properties and that shows 100% healthy. Diskpart dosen't show it set to read only. WTH?
  14. Never Seen Before

    I left the MS account and went to a local account, made a folder in root, copied update downloads to it. Tried them, some said completed. Then rebooted and the MS account is back, root folder and download files are gone. It is stuck on time, any changes are gone if you reboot
  15. Never Seen Before

    Thanks but ANYTHING I add/install/change is lost on a reboot. I now know why I have avoided installing windows with MS Account and stayed with local accounts!
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