Recent content by gearloose

  1. Microsoft Account conflicts

    And one more sorry glasskuter mentioned Bitlocker in previous post? I've re-installed Windows 11 Home on the laptop so my understanding is that I don't have access to Bitlocker encryption & therefore don't have to note down encryption keys or turn it off? Is that correct?
  2. Microsoft Account conflicts

    Howdy after multiple attempts and multiple error messages with Microsoft Account & OneDrive synching, I bit the bullet and just completed a clean install as you suggested using Microsoft Account login details. Its all looking good so far! Just need to re-install a dozen progs inc printer...
  3. Microsoft Account conflicts

    Yep- tried this & got "you do not have Administrator permissions" or something similar. but aren't I correct in saying that if this is where OneDrive is pointing atm ie C:\Users\Gordon\OneDrive, then these folders/files should be the ones synching to/from my OneDrive Cloud account
  4. Microsoft Account conflicts

    Hi glasskuter thanks again for getting back. I reckon you're right ie "a clean slate" I'm gonna have one last crack using Spunk's advice (above). If I can't get things back working properly today - I'll do a clean install tonight as per your advice above. We've spent way too long on this...
  5. Microsoft Account conflicts

    Also in relation to your advice:- "Browse to C:\Users\Gordon. Open each of the folders (ie) Documents, Desktop, Downloads and OneDrive. If there are any of those files you want to keep, move them from those respected folders and paste them into gebaus perspective folders (ie) Documents to...
  6. Microsoft Account conflicts

    HI there thanks for getting back to me I think I've progressed...a little! I disabled OneDrive & then re-enabled(on the laptop). During the set up I was able to select my OneDrive folder. It was defaulting to c:\Users\Gordon\OneDrive But I was able to change it to C\Users\Gebau\OneDrive...
  7. Microsoft Account conflicts

    Hi again g As I work through the solution I seem to still have 20+ questions/unknowns with this duplicate accounts issue. To be honest it just shouldn't be this difficult (for home users). If I go down the total clean re-install Windows 11 track, 1) can you point me to the correct...
  8. Microsoft Account conflicts

    Many thanks glasskuter - I will give this a shot & work through these steps later tonight. I have a few initial comments/questions though. 1. I'm not synching browser settings atm - so am happy to leave this 1st step out. I assume that browser settings will get picked up when everything is...
  9. Microsoft Account conflicts

    PS On my existing Desktop PC (NOT the new notebook that I'm having the issues with) - I have 1 account only ie C:/Users/Gebau/OneDrive. This is my everyday computer & the account has ALL my files in it (116GB & 45,958 files). This is effectively what I need to replicate on the notebook. Am I...
  10. Microsoft Account conflicts

    ok thanks for getting back to me again. My mistake glasskuter confirming there is NO "gebarb" Acct. that sentence should have read "c:/users/gebau has a One Drive folder which has about 30 files in it" Thus there are 2 accts only "gebau" & "Gordon" hopefully this makes the solution easier...
  11. Microsoft Account conflicts

    Not that I'm aware of ie the current Microsoft 365 Acct is gebaus@.
  12. Microsoft Account conflicts

    1. 2 accounts in users (not 3 sorry) 1. "Gordon" & 2. "gebaus" (which is the 5 letter truncation of the email I used to purchase 365) + Public, Administrator & Default accts 2. Both these accounts are mine ie laptop is not shared with other family members 3. gebaus@ 4. no- ultimately just want 1...
  13. Microsoft Account conflicts

    Hi there, I'm signing in to my new laptop with a Microsoft account & there is only 1 account visible on my login screen. .. However when I look in explorer C Drive/Users I can see 2 accounts "gebau" & "gordon". This may have occurred because I have a cloned SSD in the laptop??? I was having...
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