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    • Mickmac replied to the thread File Explorer folders.
      Ok, I followed you instructions and it worked, thanks again for taking the time to help me out, Mick
    • Mickmac reacted to Rollback_Jockey's post in the thread File Explorer folders with Like Like.
      Seeing as it's music folders there may well be hidden albumart, folder JPG's and desktop ini files placed by your media player.
    • Mickmac reacted to Ghot's post in the thread File Explorer folders with Great Support Great Support.
      Hello @Mickmac and welcome to ElevenForum. :-) Personally, I don't know why. I think Microsoft just can't count. :D Here's...
    • Mickmac reacted to dacrone's post in the thread File Explorer folders with Helpful Helpful.
      There’s an ini file in it that’s hidden and possibly other hidden files.. and if you right click the folder itself, it’ll count that as...
    • Mickmac reacted to hsehestedt's post in the thread File Explorer folders with Great Support Great Support.
      When you select all the files bear in mind that you may possibly not be seeing everything. Some files may be hidden, and as a result you...
    • Mickmac replied to the thread File Explorer folders.
      Thanks very much, will check that out and get back to you !
    • I have music folders on my laptop, if I select a folder and click on Properties I often see more files in that folder than if I open the...
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