Turns out it was something in Performance Monitor that I have previously disabled, somewhere in the Data Collector Sets > Startup Event Trace Sessions, probably DiagLog, but I can't say for sure as there were more that I turned on.
Ok, I've done that. No changes are immediately noticeable but those might reflect later after a few hours of usage when it can get those statistics, I can try also using the laptop unplugged to see if that kicks it in or something. Anyways don't you know about anything else repsonsible for...
This is what it looks like on the other laptop, even tho it's plugged in it still shows the percentage of the battery as well as the app usage and other stats. For me it shows literally nothing like if it wasn't tracking anything at all for some reason.
When I view the Power & battery page in the Settings app of Windows 11 all the battery usage metrics report 0% and no apps are reported using the battery. Does anyone know why this is? I've only had the laptop plugged in pretty much the whole time, but on another one running the same version of...