Recent content by RLR

  1. my excel worksheets open with just top bar

    sorry, i could've open an empty excel file, gotta go now
  2. my excel worksheets open with just top bar

    Well, I would, but my excel files are private. As it turns out, I messed around with this and that and found that if I open a file, and the screen comes out small, if I set it to open all the way to cover the screen, then scale it back to where I like it, add an entry, save and reopen, it now...
  3. my excel worksheets open with just top bar

    I don't know why this is happening. All of a sudden today my excel worksheets open with only the top bar showing. I have to drag down from top to see whole page...actually half size page is how i usually set them. I have no idea how to get it back to open up the same size as the one last...
  4. Aomei Backupper

    Thanks. I think I'm done. I tried the image explorer in windows explorer and all I got were icons. When I tried Aomei image button, I got lost with what to select next. I'm in over my head. Hopefully, when my scheduled backup occurs, it adds what's new. And, hopefully, I'll be able to...
  5. Aomei Backupper

    Gramps, This is as far as I got with the image option. I didn't go further cuz was confused, thinking it was going to start backing up. I'll try again.
  6. Aomei Backupper

    Gramps, I had trouble with crucial sporadically not updating all new photos added to a folder, so it was easier for me to reconcile by viewing the image rather than an icon name. Seems Aomei is a whole other animal that I just have to trust everything is there. Cuz, ya, I reconcile number of...
  7. Aomei Backupper

    Thanks much. I was contemplating doing full system, but, as is obvious, I'm already perplexed with just having an Owner back up, which my tech set up when he recommended the software to me.
  8. Aomei Backupper

    Marcus Vinicus, Thanks for confirming #1. Regarding #2, do you only see icons in your folders containing pictures, rather than the image? If so, did you try that "explore image" option?
  9. some Windows folder icons shaded within C: drive

    Ohh. I found that setting. Not sure how or when it got changed, but I have had my IT folks accessing my computer, so maybe they wanted to see them. Thanks.
  10. some Windows folder icons shaded within C: drive

    Hello, I've been looking at my folders on C: drive and noticed that some are shadowed over, which, like grey, usually means not accessible. I can open them and shadowed folders within them, but wondering what's up and should I be concerned
  11. Aomei Backupper

    Thanks for replies. Aomei replied to the above questions with only one #2 answered, asking if I tried ( attached) explore image option. I attempted to use that option but got a bit lost, so am asking them for more help. As for #1, that's what IT told me, but I was still hoping. If the day...
  12. Aomei Backupper

    Hello, 1) I notice that I cannot delete files off of the backup. I was told that is because they are in a zip file. Is there a way around this? Oftentimes I no longer want certain files on my desktop or my external drive. 2) Is there a way around showing backed up pictures as true images...
  13. Back up drive not working

    IT told me that Windows File History program is known to make duplicates of files, even if they have not changed:
  14. Back up drive not working

    Well. Microsoft had another update just now. Crucial backed up, but, bloody hell, it duplicated items in my hundreds of folders. I'm going out of my mind. Sorry. Calling tech now :(
  15. Back up drive not working

    Oops. I meant Windows latest update, not backup, but you got that. I'm not keen on looking into this myself, so will call local computer tech. Just wanted to know if mine is an isolated case. Thank you.
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