Recent content by Spunk

  1. Does anyone know what process Win key + V actually opens?

    In the Clipboard viewer, it will show the latest few items that were copied. Clicking outside the windows will close it. You can go to the 3 dots inside the upper right of the Clipboard window and Copy the item,, Pin it, or Delete it
  2. SFC /scannow > Recurrent finding & repair of corrupt files

    It sounds like your SSD/HDD has some Bad Sectors and may be starting to fail. Download DiskGenius or Crystal Disk Info in my Signature View the SMART Info for the drive. If it is anything less than Good, it needs to be replaced. If it comes out Good, you can run a Surface Scan/View or Repair Bad...
  3. Sort File Explorer>Home>Recent files date?

    Recent Files is not File Explorer, it just shows you the files you were looking at recently. For Sort order you have to go to File Explorer
  4. Hard disk space

    I am not sure why you want two Windows 11 OS's on the same Disk? I guess you use the Test windows to test software? If that is true, you might want to run Windows Sandbox instead If you delete the Recovery...
  5. Hard disk space

    I am glad you got it sorted. Thank You for attaching your picture of your Device and Drives. In the future, press the Windows key +X and choose Disk Management. Take a screenshot of this showing the lower pane and all the Disk's by their Disk Number. And Attach it in your post You may have more...
  6. Solved XCopy Woes, or Not?

    Here is what AI says about that: The warning you're seeing is a common security message that appears when you're transferring files, especially executable files or software, from the internet to your computer or external storage devices like a USB HDD. Here are some key points to consider...
  7. Computer Sometimes Won't Turn Off automatically after running Advanced System Care with 'shut down' selected

    The Registry Optimizer/Cleaner portion along with other apps can identify false positives and can really bonk a system when done incorrectly. We have had several people over the years who posted to this and the other sister forums. Their Posts start off with "Computer won't boot after using ASC"
  8. Computer Sometimes Won't Turn Off automatically after running Advanced System Care with 'shut down' selected

    You should not use Iobit's Advanced System Care. This app causes more problems then it is supposed to solve. We suggest you Uninstall this app.; If you want to keep this app, You can open Advanced SystemCare ->Go to "Quick Care" or "Deep Care"->De-Select the item of " Shutdown PC after Scan &...
  9. Solved Bizarre Behaviour of Function keys (two not working as expected)

    You can also test with the On Screen Keyboard. If that works then you know your laptop keyboard needs to have it's cable reseated into the motherboard or replaced
  10. Error Message: The backup drive is not attached.

    Press the Windows Key +X and choose Disk Management. In the lower pane, which drive letter is your Seagate Backup Drive? If every time the computer reboots, the drive letter changes, Then you can right click the drive here and choose Change Drive Letter or Paths. Choose a Drive letter lower...
  11. When I run Windows Sandbox for the second time after closing it, it will never work again until reboot

    You have to turn off Windows Sandbox and restart the computer, and then turn it back on when you want to use it again.
  12. Getting a very fast Command Prompt popping up.

    You may want to keep Samsung Magician and run it manually as it is a great way to check the health of your SSD and Firmware Updates. Just remove it from starting with Windows by Right click the Taskbar/Taskbar Settings/s going to Startup Apps tab on the left panel and unchecking it.
  13. Solved Security

    Because of AI Robot bad actors putting malware on web sites, the Captcha puzzles are to prove you are a Human, Bots have a hard time getting past the Captcha. You may also sign up for 2FA to have the site send a numerical code to your smartphone or Authenticator app when you login to prove it is...
  14. Having issues ripping songs to my blank CDs

    If playing songs on your iPhone, you can create a playlist in iTunes You can also create a playlist on an Android phone using your Smart phones Audio app
  15. Getting a very fast Command Prompt popping up.

    It will show in the Autoruns app
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