Well.....I sent in 5 corrupted jpg's to an outfit that says they can uncorrupt anything.....(right":))
I chose from different locations and dates so these 5 corrupted files are unrelated...
They reported back today that they are too corrupted to fix.....
So.......Deleting now.....this...
Thanks Winuser.......so far today I've tried about a dozen websites and apps that say they fix corrupted jpeg's.........so far none of them have worked.....
I did read that when deleting a jpeg it sometimes deletes info in the meta data and / or leader and perhaps that is the source of my...
I GOT IT....I GOT IT....I GOT IT.....
Go into pictures > Options > UNCHECK always show icons not thumbnails.....
I looked at this early on but it just did not register with my gray matter.......
WOW......I feel really stupid...
XxXxX.......Irfan thumbnail very quickly shows me a thumbnail of my good files.......and gives me a "0" on the corrupted files....
So here I can quickly determine which files I can delete........but the folders I've looked at so far suggest I may have lost more than half of my photos...
Can someone do me a favor.......I have attached a b/w photo I did some years ago at Chaco Canyon.....
I have attached the file and it shows up on my computers as just a general icon not as a thumbnail....
Can one of you download it to your computer and tell me if it shows up as an icon or a...
You are correct on the deleted first character of a file name....no windows cannot find the file.......Now...I agree with you in that WHY should the files be so hard to recover......I suspect there is something else that happens to the file to make it hard to recover.....
The problem is MOST of...
I went thru all the threads on recovering thumbnails / restoring casche including the bat file...etc....nothing worked.....
So I am stuck with opening each file one at a time to see what's on it then giving it a meaningful tittle....
I used Everything to scan for JPG...DNG....MOV....MP4 and I...
Last night I moved about 5 JPG's to a flash drive......then went to a W10 box.....and opened those files in Photoshop and did a save as with another name......
The thumbnails did NOT show in the W10 box.......Moved everything back to my W11 box and still no thumbnails.....Have not tried the...
Winuser.....If I open a dng file and close it with a different name.....nothing changes...Still cannot see the thumbnail.....
So I gotta bite the bullet......Open them up one at a time to see what I have to work with.....
Many vacation photos.....about 4000 that I shot in Guatamala a few years...
Wow....this is really a problem.....I follow both of your advice....I went thru all the options including the section on group policy and NOTHING worked......
The default policy is to show thumbnails rather than icons.....and icons is all I got.....
Gonna keep digging but I suspect that...
Win 11 Pro....I had a major disaster....I accidently deleted about 5000 photos of many subjects taken over many years.......I thought they were backed up on Google Photos....but alas and alak....they were not.....
Several iterations of various data recovery programs....(File Scavanger was the...
Since I have an ethernet cable going from the Linksys to the other end of the house......Your idea seems to be the best in my situation.....
I will have to purchase another router.....I would use the new router as the gateway and my current Linksys as the remote router....
I need to expand my WiFi in the house.....
I have a Linksys WRT3200acm that works well....
The router is at the far end of the house.....moving it to a more central location is not possible....
Signal at the other end of the house is pretty weak....
I need a way to expand my WiFi, so will a...