Recent content by Stigg

  1. Messenger For Windows Desktop Stopped Working

    Yes, the icon has changed to blue to match the Telegram icon. :-)
  2. Outlook Classic or Outlook New?

  3. Outlook Classic or Outlook New?

    How did you know about that? 🤔
  4. Outlook Classic or Outlook New?

    I have a Microsoft 365 Family account which includes Outlook. Is there any reason why I would want to use Outlook (New)? 🤔
  5. Welcome to New Microsoft Outlook

    I have a Microsoft 365 Family account which includes Outlook. I haven't yet been forced to use Outlook (New) yet.
  6. Messenger For Windows Desktop Stopped Working

    There are too many alternatives now.
  7. Messenger Plus

    Windows Messenger users have been left with a mess. Older computers have more remnants.
  8. Messenger Plus

    I had a search for Messenger Plus registry entries, but there aren't many. I'm glad your issue is fixed. (y) It's much better than the official Messenger. I couldn't even uninstall the official Messenger properly. There are two entries, and one wouldn't uninstall. I probably could have used...
  9. Western Digital has reportedly exited the SSD market

    Western Digital didn't want the company to become fragmented, so the SSD division will be spun off to SanDisk to allow it to remain trim.
  10. What are good PDF editors, besides Adobe Acrobat Pro?

    I'm currently using Foxit PDF Editor, but PDFgear looks good. And it appears to be completely free.
  11. Messenger Plus

    I wonder what caused the file corruption. 🤔
  12. Microsoft Publisher will no longer be supported after October 2026

    This is part of the email I just received from Microsoft about Publisher.
  13. Windows 11 Authenticator App(s)

    WinAuth works well for me.
  14. Messenger Plus

    Version 24H2 Build 26100.3323.
  15. Messenger Plus

    I haven't experienced that issue yet. Do you have this Registry entry? 👇 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "Messenger Plus"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Messenger Plus\\MessengerPlus.exe\" /minimized"
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