Recent content by SumitDhiman

  1. General Reset Windows Search in Windows 11

    Hi Shawn, I tested and researched. It is the MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy folder which has the Search files. Pretty odd to see the naming though - CBS is usally for the component store
  2. General Reset Windows Search in Windows 11

    Hi Shawn, I see that this script Resets the following paths: @("$Env:localappdata\Packages\Microsoft.Cortana_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\AppCache", "$Env:localappdata\Packages\Microsoft.Cortana_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\INetCache"...
  3. System Restore Default Services in Windows 11

    Appreciate that, Shawn. I hope the customer would have the issue of optionalfeatures.exe fixed by this.
  4. System Restore Default Services in Windows 11

    Hey Shawn, can you help in getting a good copy from Retail Build 22000 of Windows Modules Installer service?
  5. Thumbnail Generator for Windows 11

    I tried on Build 22518 but it did not work on the folder:( The thumbnail is seen on the pane, though.
  6. Accounts Add Local User Account in Windows 11

    Great, thank you for the response, learning everyday :)
  7. Accounts Add Local User Account in Windows 11

    Hi Shawn, great as usual. Sure the Local account creation is supported on Windows 11 Home? I was reading Kari's post somewhere else - he said that he could not create a local account. Maybe it was for OOBE?
  8. Welcome new members

    Is there any way to ask for moderation here? This guy has an adult profile picture which imo should be removed. Tryt @z3r010
  9. Solved Do you have an PC upgrade plans??

    For my laptop which is already enrolled as Dev Channel, it meets the requirements. I have another box that is kind of old, but I need Windows 10 too on one device due to clients, so I would not upgrade it anytime soon.
  10. Welcome new members

    Hi all. Glad to join this forum.
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