I have a home router with an IPSec VPN setup. This worked on my iPhone and Macbook, but in windows I am getting this error.
The l2tp connection attempt failed because the security layer could not authenticate the remote computer.
I know the settings are correct. What would be causing this...
I added things like Open Shell for a classic start menu, had various driver customizations for my GFX card which I didnt want to loose. Ran CCleaner once wonder if that did it?
I did these as well but running again to see if it helps. Will doing a repair install wipe my settings. I just reformatted 2 days and spent a ton of time customizing apps and such. Would have to lose it all again.
Here are my scan results:
C:\Windows\System32>sfc /scannow
Beginning system...
Trying to run this command in CMD under Admin does not work either:
net start task scheduler
C:\Windows\System32>net start task scheduler
The service name is invalid.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2185.
I noticed an error when I sent to Optimize my drive on my windows 11 machine. When I went to the properties of a drive I was presented with this error:
"Storage Optimization cannot start because the task scheduler service is not running. Start the task scheduler service and try again"
Thanks for the reply glasskuter. So my main reason for doing this is because this laptop is on a domain, has all kinds of custom settings for a co-worker. Doing it from scratch takes a while.
I'll do it, but do you know what the best migration software might be to move the user data and...