Recent content by Win11Userr

  1. Solved How can i find FOLDER id's on windows?

    i got this app called syncthing and its purpose is to save my game saves instantly to other devices if it isn't supported by cloud save and it wants me to put in a folder id but the problem is i don't know how and when i try to google it, it only shows me how to get a FILE id
  2. Solved Cant boot to usb

    because i have to use windows/microsoft uefi to access the usb media, should it be better if i reposted this in other forums??
  3. Solved Cant boot to usb

    its not really an install its kind of like how you can install chrome os on a usb and use it but then once your finised just take the usb out and its like there was never another os its kinda like duel booting but not really EDIT: i think this is bios/uefi based but i heard its easiest to do on...
  4. Solved Cant boot to usb

    update it didnt work sadly i think it could be my version of the os i could be using the wrong one if your looking for what im using just google batocera (its a retro gaming os using linux )
  5. Solved Cant boot to usb

    i know that im using windows 11 most recent version and im using the microsoft surface pro 6 with the intel I5U
  6. Solved Cant boot to usb

    im not sure if its bootable because it has no type for img.gz (the os im tyring to download is botecera) but before i disabled bitlocker it tried to boot but it couldn't verify if that helps
  7. Solved Cant boot to usb

    i followed a yt vid that used an app called balena etcher i use UEFI because i think thats all available on surface pro 6 i think how do i check if a usb is bootable
  8. Solved Cant boot to usb

    Hi recently ive tried to boot into an os from a usb but it failed to verify itself (i fixed it by disabling secure boot) now when i try to boot into it, it just shows the boot logo without it booting if possible could anyone please help Device: Microsoft surface pro 6 Usb 16GB sandisk
  9. Solved Cant boot into portable OS

    Recently i installed a portable OS onto a micro sd card but when i try to boot into it, it just launches my normal windows version instead of the OS im trying to ( i am trying to boot into it from the Advanced startup )
  10. Windows 11 tablet mode redesign

    I was wondering if put into tablet mode you could make windows look and run a lot more like an android tablet or iPad even if i had to make another user to do this i was like to how windows 11 looks in tablet mode with translucent tb is shown in the screenshot below
  11. Solved I can't upgrade from 11 home to pro

    HI DBZLover I have not encountered this problem myself but if i had it i would try to reset it (after backing up any data) or seeing if there is any upgrades, looking at the screenshot there seems to be a problem with your copy of windows because it says "buy a genuine copy" it is probably for...
  12. Gaming on Windows 11

    Hi Dru2 I myself have used my surface pro 6 laptop to game on and with my graphics (intel graphics 620 and intel I5U) i think some games are worth gaming on with a little bit of tweaking to the settings and adding some apps you can squeeze out the most fps, in my opinion it is worth it to game...
  13. Is there a way to easily change backgrounds on windows 11

    oh ok thanks Cheers Win11Userr
  14. Is there a way to easily change backgrounds on windows 11

    hey jimbo i would just like to say that this is the solution i was looking for thank you very much Cheers Win11Userr
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