Recent content by wizzard

  1. Windows 11 Reset and other drives

    Want to Reset from within Windows 11 and do a Remove all option. Will this delete Data from my other 4 Drives or just the C Drive (current Windows drive)? Also, as a precaution, should I disconnect the other 4 Drives?
  2. Windows services and scanner issue

    Tried this. Still not resolved. Need to stop / start the Windows Image Acquisition service (WIA)
  3. Windows services and scanner issue

    Thanks. Will try this and the above comparability one.
  4. Windows services and scanner issue

    Tried it. Still, the same issue.
  5. Windows services and scanner issue

    Strange - I cannot see it (even your scanner driver). What is the link please?
  6. Windows services and scanner issue

    No news from Epson so far...:(
  7. Windows services and scanner issue

    I am currently using Windows 11 and Epson V800 Photo scanner. The scanner works perfectly under Windows 10. I seem to loose the use of the scanner after the Windows restart. It seems to "loose" the Epson driver. If I go into Windows services and Stop / start the Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)...
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