Recent content by wpr

  1. Solved Tor - Where to Put userChrome.css?

    Thank you for your replies. I did another search and found the item to be changed in about:config : toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets, which had to change from false to true. I'm a long time user of Mozilla/SeaMonkey/Firefox and don't remember having to make this change in...
  2. Solved Tor - Where to Put userChrome.css?

    I'm using Tor portable and want to use a userChrome.css file. I copied the file from my Firefox folder, but can't get it to work in Tor. I've tried these folders: Tor Portable\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Browser\profile.default Tor Portable\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Browser\profile.default\chrome...
  3. SpeedyFox Portable - Delete Profiles ?

    I'm using the latest version of SpeedyFox portable. When run, it shows duplicate lines for the same profiles. Anyone know how I can remove these duplicates from the listing? Thanks for any help.
  4. Solved File Explorer Showing CD Drive Twice

    I saw that tutorial yesterday, but since it referenced duplicate removable drives, I didn't think it would work. I also looked at the entry in the registry. In any event, I just downloaded and ran it and it worked. Many thanks.
  5. Solved File Explorer Showing CD Drive Twice

    Windows 11 23H2 File explorer is now showing the CD drive in two places: Anyone know how to remove the second line for the Z drive? The drive appears only once in disk management. Thanks for any help.
  6. Looking for a Batch File to Remove Unneeded Language Folders

    I just did a search on "en-GB" in my Windows folder and found 17,047 items. of which 707 are folders, the rest files. Since I'm only using en-US, I don't think I need the en-GB items or any of the other non en-US type items in the initial load. Has anyone written a batch file to remove all...
  7. TEMP & TMP Values - Batch or Reg File to Change ?

    Thank you for your replies. To hdmi: I put your codes (with the folder locations changed) into a bat file and ran it as administrator, then restarted my PC. The locations did not change in the Environment Variables box. To TairikuOkami: Why does one line have REG_EXPAND_SZ and the other...
  8. TEMP & TMP Values - Batch or Reg File to Change ?

    I use a RAM disk for temporary files but when I have a large Windows update I need to change the Environment Variables' temp locations to a different disk. I do this manually each time for the four items (User: TEMP and TMP, System: TEMP and TMP). Does anyone have a batch or reg file that will...
  9. Solved ElevenClock - Can't Change Date/Time Settings

    I modified and loaded the settings file and the date/time items changed to what I put in the file. I then opened the settings menu and the items in the change box matched what I had put in the file and I could then edit the change box. Not as easy as it should have been, but problem solved...
  10. Solved ElevenClock - Can't Change Date/Time Settings

    I uninstalled EC and my clock did not show the seconds, so it appears the EC mod for seconds was working there. After installing EC 4.4.0, still couldn't modify the date/time entries, so I've reloaded the latest version.
  11. Solved ElevenClock - Can't Change Date/Time Settings

    Thank you for your replies. Jacee, I clicked the link and didn't see anything addressing not being able to change the date and time display settings. Stigg, yes the date and time setting you included is the section I wrote about. As I noted, the 'set a custom date and time format' is checked...
  12. Solved ElevenClock - Can't Change Date/Time Settings

    Win v23H2. I recently installed ElevenClock (v and am unable to change the Date/Time settings. I've checked the "Set a custom date and time format", but I cannot enter any characters in the box. The cursor blinks there, but no entry allowed. I reset the software, no change. My ID...
  13. Solved Windhawk Auto-Login ?

    Sorry I missed that. Following up on my TClock message, where a few folks recommended Elevenclock, I had tried that then but couldn't edit the date/time format. I just reinstalled it (Elevenclock) and still cannot edit the date/time format (I can put the cursor in the box, but can't type...
  14. Solved Windhawk Auto-Login ?

    Dacrone: thank you for the shortcut mod. I had seen that in my research, but thought it was only for command line usage; it solved the problem. Edwin: I believe changing the format in Control Panel/Region will result in changes in more than just the systray; I had modified the short date and...
  15. Solved Windhawk Auto-Login ?

    Certain degree? Can it do what I have Windhawk do: 06:43:44 PM Wed Nov 27 I was a long time user of TClock on Win 10, but couldn't get any of their versions to work with Win 11.
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