App or system for good data management on my computer

With long teeth comes excessive data to manage. I have been using computers since the day of the Tandy Model 1 which means I have been amassing data since then. In the early days, changing hardware and file structures meant that there was effectively regular enforced culling of the data. But eventually there was data consistency and increased storage. That led, certainly in my case to an attitude where it was so easy to store "that file" that little thought was give to the problems that would come with "that file" becoming "those files" and then "masses of files". Enough waffle!
I am looking for a good filing structure or better still a good app to help with filing structure. Is there such a thing? How do you organise all your files? I used to have agood secretary that did that for me; now I am on my own and file numbers are increasing at a time that brain cells are decreasing.

PS I thought the above post was perhaps too waffly so I used Gemini and asked it to re-write it. Gemini misunderstood and instead of a re-write it answered my question! If interested, try it. Ask Gemini "Can you re-write the following" followed by my post above.

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