These Release Notes are designed to provide updates on new features that have fully shipped to all Bing Chat users as of today. Here’s a summary of what’s new since our September 1 update:
- Integration with Microsoft Launcher: Microsoft Launcher is a home screen experience that helps you be more productive on your Android device. It includes a personalized feed of your calendar, to-do lists, and notes while also letting you customize aspects of your Android experience. Now Microsoft Launcher also includes Bing Chat right on your Android home screen.
Keep your feedback coming!
- Continue on Your Phone: Some conversations need to happen on the go. If you’re chatting on your desktop and want to pick it up where you left off on Bing Mobile, select “Continue on phone” in the upper-right corner of the last chat response. You’ll be presented with a QR code you can use to resume your session on another device.
- The Bing Team

Bing Preview Release Notes: Microsoft Launcher and Continue on Your Phone
These Release Notes are designed to provide updates on new features that have fully shipped to all Bing Chat users as of today. Here’s a summary of what’s new since our September 1 update: