Bing Chat now with Travel and Recipe Grounding Improvements

This week, we’re excited about the announcement that Microsoft Designer has expanded its public preview and added new AI features. Designer uses our latest generative AI models to help you create graphics and visual content.

Here’s a summary of what has changed in Bing chat since our April 21 update:
  • Improving Travel and Recipe Grounding: We’ve taken steps to help Bing chat give better answers if you're asking questions about travel or recipes. For both, we improved the accuracy of citations. For recipes, we used improved grounding data from recipe content providers and made sure that citations directed you to the recipe site instead of Expect us to make further grounding improvements based on your feedback.

  • Reducing End-of-conversation Triggers: We continue to work to resolve cases where Bing chat unnecessarily ends conversations (e.g. “I’m sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation.” or “It might be time to move on to a new topic.”). We made some additional changes this week to reduce some of the most egregious scenarios where this occurred.
Additionally, we fixed a bug where Bing chat in Edge Sidebar wasn’t able to recognize the content in the browser’s active tab.

Keep your feedback coming!

The Bing Team

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