This tutorial will show you how to create a new custom power plan that can be used by all users on the Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC.
A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings that manages how your computer uses power. Power plans can help you save energy, maximize system performance, or achieve a balance between the two. A power plan is also known as a power scheme.
You can customize the default plans for your systems, or create new custom plans that are based on the existing plans.

- Option One: Create New Custom Power Plan in Control Panel
- Option Two: Create New Custom Power Plan in Command Prompt
1 Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click/tap on the Power Options icon.
2 Click/tap on the Create a power plan link on the left side. (see screenshot below)
3 Perform the following actions: (see screenshot below)
- Select (dot) an existing default plan (ex: "Balanced") to base the new custom plan on.
- Type a Plan name (ex: "My Custom Plan 1") you want for the new custom plan.
- Click/tap on Next.
4 Make any settings changes you want for the custom plan, and click/tap on Create. (see screenshot below)
5 The new custom power plan will now be your default active power scheme. You can now Change plan settings for this new custom power plan if wanted. (see screenshots below)
6 When finished, you can close the Control Panel if you like.
1 Open Windows Terminal, and select either Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt.
2 Copy and paste
powercfg /L
into Windows Terminal, and press Enter to see all existing power plans. (see screenshot below step 3)3 Make note of the GUID (ex: "381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e") of an existing power plan (ex: "Balanced") you want to base the new custom plan on. (see screenshot below)
4 Type the command below into Windows Terminal, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
powercfg -duplicatescheme GUID
Substitute GUID in the command above with the actual GUID from step 3 above.
For example: powercfg -duplicatescheme 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e
This will duplicate the power plan from step 3, and give the duplicate plan a new GUID.
5 Make note of the Power Scheme GUID (ex: "ccdcc5e9-bafa-4389-bcdc-20c72b438e97") of the new duplicate plan. (see screenshot above)
6 Type the command below into Windows Terminal, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
powercfg -changename GUID "name"
Substitute GUID in the command above with the actual GUID from step 5 above.
For example: powercfg -changename ccdcc5e9-bafa-4389-bcdc-20c72b438e97 "My Custom Plan 1"
This will change the name of the duplicate power plan from steps 4 and 5.
7 If you want to set this new custom power plan as your default active power scheme, then type the command below into Windows Terminal, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
powercfg -setactive GUID
Substitute GUID in the command above with the actual GUID from step 5 above.
For example: powercfg -setactive ccdcc5e9-bafa-4389-bcdc-20c72b438e97
8 When finished, you can close Windows Terminal if you like.
9 You can now change the settings of the custom power plan to what you want.
That's it,
Shawn Brink
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