Devices Create New Partition (volume) with Unallocated Space on Disk in Windows 11


This tutorial will show you different ways to create a new partition (volume) using the "unallocated" space on a disk in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

When a connected internal or external hard disk has unallocated space on it, you will need to create a New Simple Volume from the unallocated space to create a RAW partition (volume) and then format as a drive with an assigned drive letter.

When you format a drive, it erases all existing data on the drive and applies a file system to allow the operating system to read and write data on the drive.

Windows 10/11 supports the FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, and ReFS file systems for drive volumes or partitions on a disk.

When you format a drive, you will enter a volume label and select the capacity, file system, allocation unit size, full or quick format, and to enable file and folder compression or not.
  • Capacity: This will be for how much data capacity you want to select out of the available size of the partition/volume.
  • File System: A file system is a part of the operating system on a volume and it determines how files are named, stored, and organized on a disk. Depending on the drive's size, you will be able to select to use a FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, or ReFS file system.
  • Allocation Unit Size: This is the basic block size used by the file system when you format your drive. Normally, you would just use the default allocation unit size that appears (usually 4096 bytes for NTFS) when you select the file system you want.
  • Volume Label: This is the drive name you want to appear in File Explorer.
  • Format Options:
    • Check Quick Format to delete the file table and the root directory of the drive. This doesn't perform a sector-by-sector scan for bad areas on the drive. The data is still on the drive but all references to it are lost, so it will be overwritten as you use the newly formatted drive.
    • Uncheck Quick Format to make Windows check the disk sector-by-sector with a low-level format that takes much longer, but it will also completely wipe all traces of any data on the drive. This is a good option to use if you are selling or disposing the drive.
  • File and folder compression: This is to check or uncheck Compress contents to save disk space with NTFS Compression if wanted.

When you add a new disk to your PC, you may need to initialize the disk before being able to use an option below.


  • Option One: Create New Partition on Unallocated Disk Space in Settings
  • Option Two: Create New Partition on Unallocated Disk Space in Disk Management
  • Option Three: Create New Partition on Unallocated Disk Space in Command Prompt
  • Option Four: Create New Partition on Unallocated Disk Space in PowerShell

Option One

Create New Partition on Unallocated Disk Space in Settings

This option is only available in Windows 11.

1 Open Settings (Win+I).

2 Click/tap on System on the left side, and click/tap on Storage on the right side. (see screenshot below)


3 Under Storage management, click/tap on Advanced storage settings to expand it open, and click/tap on Disks & volumes. (see screenshot below)


4 Click/tap on the Create volume button for the "Unallocated" space on a disk you want to create a partition (volume) with. (see screenshot below)


5 Perform the steps below: (see screenshot below)
  1. Type a Label you want for this drive.
  2. Select an available Drive Letter you want assigned to this partition (volume).
  3. Select an available File system you want for this drive.
  4. Enter a custom Size (MB) you want to use out of the available Max size if you don't want to use the usual default all unallocated space.
  5. Click/tap on Format when ready to format the drive.

6 When formatting has completed, you can close Settings if you like.

Option Two

Create New Partition on Unallocated Disk Space in Disk Management

1 Open Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc).

2 Right click on the "Unallocated" space on the disk you want to create a partition (volume) with, and click/tap on New Simple Volume. (see screenshot below)


3 Click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)


4 Enter a custom Simple volume size in (MB) you want to use out of the available Maximum disk space in MB size if you don't want to use the usual default all unallocated space, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)


5 Select an available drive letter you want assigned to this partition (volume), and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)


6 Perform the steps below: (see screenshot below)
  1. Select (dot) Format this volume with the following settings.
  2. Select an available File system you want for this drive.
  3. Select the Allocation unit size you want if you don't want the usual default.
  4. Type a Volume label you want for this drive.
  5. Check or uncheck Perform a quick format for what you want.
  6. Check or uncheck Enable file and folder compression on this drive for what you want.
  7. Click/tap on Next.

7 Click/tap on Finish when ready to format the drive. (see screenshot below)


8 When formatting has completed, you can close Disk Management if you like.

Option Three

Create New Partition on Unallocated Disk Space in Command Prompt

You must be signed in as an administrator to use this option.

1 Open Windows Terminal (Admin), and select Command Prompt.

2 Copy and paste the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below step 4)


3 Copy and paste the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below step 4)

list disk

4 Make note of the Disk number (ex: "2") of the disk with unallocated space you want to create a partition (volume) on. (see screenshot below)


5 Type the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

select disk <number>

Substitute <number> in the command above with the actual disk number (ex: "2") you want from step 4 above.

For example: select disk 2


6 Copy and paste the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

This will create a RAW partition using all available unallocated space on the selected disk.

create partition primary


7 Copy and paste the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below step 8)

list volume

8 Make note of the Volume number (ex: "5") of the RAW partition you want to format. (see screenshot below)


9 Type the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

select volume <number>

Substitute <number> in the command above with the actual volume number (ex: "5") of the RAW partition you want to format from step 8 above.

For example: select volume 5


10 Type the command below you want to use into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

(Quick format)
format fs=<FileSystemType> label="<FriendlyName>" quick


(Full format)
format fs=<FileSystemType> label="<FriendlyName>"

Substitute <FileSystemType> in the command above with the supported FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, or ReFS file system you want to use for this drive.

Substitute <FriendlyName> in the command above with the actual volume label (ex: "Example") you want for this drive.

For example: format fs=ntfs label="USB" quick


11 If you would like to assign a specific drive letter to this drive, type the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

If you don't specify a drive letter, Windows will automatically assign an available drive letter by default.

assign letter=<new drive letter>

Substitute <new drive letter> in the command above with the actual new drive letter (ex: "F") you want to assign to the drive.

For example: assign letter=F

If the new drive letter you assign is not available, you will get an error message indicating so in the command prompt. You will just need to repeat this step to assign an available drive letter.

12 When finished, you can close Windows Terminal (Admin) if you like.


Option Four

Create New Partition on Unallocated Disk Space in PowerShell

You must be signed in as an administrator to use this option.

1 Open Windows Terminal (Admin), and select Windows PowerShell.

2 Copy and paste the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below step 3)


3 Make note of the disk Number (ex: "2") with unallocated space you want to create a partition (volume) on. (see screenshot below)


4 Type the command below into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

New-Partition -DiskNumber <DiskNumber> -UseMaximumSize -DriveLetter <DriveLetter>

Substitute <DiskNumber> in the command above with the actual disk number (ex: "2") from step 3 with unallocated space you want to create a partition (volume) on.

Substitute <DriveLetter> in the command above with the actual drive letter (ex: "G") you want to assign to this partition (volume).

For example: New-Partition -DiskNumber 2 -UseMaximumSize -DriveLetter G


5 Type the command below you want to use into Windows Terminal (Admin), and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

(Quick format)
Format-Volume -DriveLetter "<DriveLetter>" -FileSystem <FileSystemType> -NewFileSystemLabel "<FriendlyName>"


(Full format)
Format-Volume -DriveLetter "<DriveLetter>" -FileSystem <FileSystemType> -NewFileSystemLabel "<FriendlyName> -Full"

Substitute <DriveLetter> in the command above with the same drive letter (ex: "G") you used in step 4 above.

Substitute <FileSystemType> in the command above with the supported FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, or ReFS file system you want to use for this drive.

Substitute <FriendlyName> in the command above with the actual volume label (ex: "USB") you want for this drive.

For example: Format-Volume -DriveLetter "G" -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "USB"

6 When finished, you can close Windows Terminal (Admin) if you like.


That's it,
Shawn Brink

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