Browsers and Mail Enable or Disable Open Microsoft Edge Desktop Search Bar at Startup in Windows 11


This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off automatically open Microsoft Edge desktop search bar at startup for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

The desktop search bar powered by Microsoft Edge allows you to search the web and launch your favorite sites directly from your desktop without having to open the Edge browser first.

You can drag the desktop search bar to any location you want on your desktop. The search bar will open at the same location on your desktop as last closed.

If you open the desktop search bar, it will remain open, even if you close Microsoft Edge.

You can turn on and off having the Microsoft Edge desktop search bar automatically run at startup.

It is required to turn on the Microsoft Edge startup app for the Microsoft Edge desktop search bar to automatically run at startup.


  • Option One: Turn On or Off Open Desktop Search Bar at Startup from Search Bar
  • Option Two: Turn Off Open Desktop Search Bar at Startup when Closing Search Bar

EXAMPLE: Microsoft Edge desktop search bar


Option One

Turn On or Off Open Desktop Search Bar at Startup from Search Bar

1 Open the Microsoft Edge desktop search bar.

2 Click/tap on the Settings and more (3 dots) button on the desktop search bar. (see screenshots below)

3 Click/tap on the Auto-launch search bar to check (on) or uncheck (off - default) it for what you want.


Option Two

Turn Off Open Desktop Search Bar at Startup when Closing Search Bar

This option will not be available if Auto-launch search bar is already turned off.

1 Close the Microsoft Edge desktop search bar.

2 Check Turn off auto-launch. (see screenshot below)

3 Click/tap on Yes, close.


That's it,
Shawn Brink

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