Browsers and Mail Enable or Disable Page Colors in Microsoft Edge


This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable page colors for sites in Microsoft Edge for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Do you have trouble reading web pages due to their color schemes? Is the text too bright or too dark? Do links blend into the background? Or perhaps you want to change the way your browser looks.

If so, try the new Page colors feature in Microsoft Edge.

The Page colors feature is especially useful for users who have vision impairments, color blindness, or light sensitivity. However, it can also help reduce eye strain and fatigue when browsing for long periods of time.

You can exclude specific websites from being affected by Page colors.

By default, Page colors are applied to web pages only when you also use a Windows High Contrast theme. That way, if you use a Contrast theme, you can use Page colors to disable that Contrast theme on specific websites if you want. However, if you want to apply Page colors on all web pages, regardless of whether you use a Windows Contrast theme or not, disable the Only apply page colors when high contrast themes are on setting.



  • Option One: Turn On or Off Page Colors in Microsoft Edge
  • Option Two: Turn On or Off "Only apply page colors when high contrast themes are on" in Microsoft Edge
  • Option Three: Add and Remove Sites to Exclude from Page Colors in Microsoft Edge

EXAMPLE: Page Colors in Microsoft Edge

Option One

Turn On or Off Page Colors in Microsoft Edge

1 Open Microsoft Edge.

2 Click/tap on the Settings and more (Alt+F) 3 dots menu icon, and click/tap on Settings. (see screenshot below)


3 Perform either action below: (see screenshot below)
  • Click/tap on Appearance in the left pane.
  • Click/tap on Accessibility in the left pane.
4 Under Customize appearance or Make Microsoft Edge easier to see, select Off (default) or a Dusk, Desert, Black, or White theme color (on) you want in the Page colors drop menu.


Option Two

Turn On or Off "Only apply page colors when high contrast themes are on" in Microsoft Edge

1 Open Microsoft Edge.

2 Click/tap on the Settings and more (Alt+F) 3 dots menu icon, and click/tap on Settings. (see screenshot below)


3 Perform either action below: (see screenshot below)
  • Click/tap on Appearance in the left pane.
  • Click/tap on Accessibility in the left pane.
4 Under Customize appearance or Make Microsoft Edge easier to see, turn on (default) or off Only apply page colors when high contrast themes are on for what you want.


Option Three

Add and Remove Sites to Exclude from Page Colors in Microsoft Edge

1 Open Microsoft Edge.

2 Click/tap on the Settings and more (Alt+F) 3 dots menu icon, and click/tap on Settings. (see screenshot below)


3 Perform either action below: (see screenshot below step 4)
  • Click/tap on Appearance in the left pane.
  • Click/tap on Accessibility in the left pane.
4 Under Customize appearance or Make Microsoft Edge easier to see, click/tap on Specify sites. (see screenshot below)


5 Do step 6 (add) or step 7 (remove) below to add or remove sites you want to exclude.

6 Add Site to Block List to be Excluded by Page Colors

A) Click/tap on the Add button. (see screenshot below)​


B) Enter the URL of a site you want to add to the block list, and click/tap on Add. (see screenshot below)​


7 Remove Site from Block List to Not be Excluded by Page Colors

A) Click/tap on the Remove (trash can) button for the site you want to remove from the block list. (see screenshot below)​


That's it,
Shawn Brink
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