@cereberus what do you think of these possible solutions :.
various FREE ways to do this -- but it'll take a bit of experimentation and practice to get it right.
1) Install some type of web server or Ms's IIS (HTTPS server) == either the "Official" Windows one or what's easier for a lot of people is to use apache (on windows).
2) use Putty to tunnel https through to remote HYPER-V VM machine depending on what you want to access the remote VM for.
For testing say at home to "Simulate" a remote Internet test use your phone to provide an Internet hotspot etc. Typically such as :
It's not diabollically hard but it's also not childishly simple so be prepared for mistakes etc. If you've only a single computer then set up the HYPER-V as a host VM and allow "nesting VM's" so you can set up the HYPER-V VM on the HYPER-V Host VM. Response won't be terrific but this is essentially a POC (Proof of concept). If you can logon on or even access the machine from your PC then the job is essentially done. You might have to fiddle around with ports etc and the firewall rules though.
Some phones now also have Windows access so you should be able to test the concept if you have one of those phones. However if you have 2 computers or more then that's the best way to set it all up. Also depending on the amount of traffic you expect and any ISP limitations (some don't like you running Internet Servers from home sites) You'll need sensible modems and hardware for proper internet speed and remote user https request serving. Some ISP's block various ports so you can use Putty to tunnel to ports 80/8080 or whatever.
Note also setting up a web server will need a decent amount of security -- but initially you can use "localhost" and keep security to the minimum while starting testing "locally" and then tighten up the rules when its all working.
(Linux internet server is much easier but there are a few windows (free) all in one packages to get an Internet server working -- look for W.A.M.P packages (Windows,Apache,MySQL/MariaDB,PHP)).
In the following link ignore the Wordpress instructions if you just want W.A.M.P.
Definition of WAMP. What is WAMP and how to download and install wordpress on local machine using wampserver.
For Linux there are L.A.M.P packages around but if you have any experience at all with linux just install the components separately via your package manager -- it's much easier to fix or re-do if things don't work 100%.
Added --as a suggestion --if you need a 2nd cheap computer those mini PC's at around €180 a pop from Amazon) are more than adequate for this sort of testing and they come also with Windows 11 PRO already installed. For this type of stuff forget Windows 11 HOME - although I daresay some have made it work via various tricks. Far cheaper than taking out an AZURE subscription for a few months.You'll need your own screen keyboard and mouse to use these but any cheap KVM switch will do --plus these miniPC's anyway have 2 X 4K UHD ports and their own Audio, Wifi Nic and LAN NIC.