Welcome to the forum John. It is admirable that you are trying to learn the ins and outs using 11 as it was designed. Most here transitioned from 10 to 11 so the learning curve was not as much of a shock.
This forum has a searchable tutorial index that may be of help (located at the top of any page). Some of it is basic stuff while some are more complex subjects. Like with every OS prior, there is a "Windows 11 for Dummies" book purchasable from any major bookstore or Amazon. While I do encourage you to learn 11's interface as it is, you can also alter it to look like earlier versions of Windows just as you did with your Windows 8. What 3rd party app did you use with 8? Chances are it's developer has developed a version that will work with 11 as well.
Just remember, everything starts with the start button (the flying Windows key) on the taskbar, You can search for most things from there which is very good about sending you to the right place in its search results.
Don't hesitate to ask here with any question you have, no matter how simple you might think it is. No question is a dumb question. We understand about being a newbie. We've all been there.
Please click on your user name at the top of the forum. Then 'system specs'. Fill out as much information as you can as the more we know, the better we can make sure our answers apply to you. These specs should be on the box your laptop/PC came in. Under OS state if you are running Home or Pro and the version of 11. You can find this information by clicking start>settings>system>about
To give you a better idea what I mean click on MY COMPUTERS directly below. These are my system specs.