Microsoft 365:
Version 2502 (Build 18526.20144)
Resolved issues
- We resolved an issue in Access where the MouseWheel event on forms was not functioning correctly. When used in an Access form, the event didn’t indicate the number of lines to scroll through the Count argument.
- We fixed an issue that caused an incorrect progress dialog to appear for some unrecoverable add-in errors.
- We fixed an issue where opening and closing multiple embedded Excel objects from a PowerPoint file throws an OLEFormat.DoVerb: invalid request exception.
- We fixed an issue where PowerPoint automatically closes when the system goes into hibernate or sleep mode.
- We have decreased the opacity for watermark content markings inserted into presentations as a result of sensitivity labeling to match the opacity of watermark content markings in Word.
- We fixed an issue where resource leveling on a minute-by-minute basis might unexpectedly show over allocated resources.
- We fixed a data loss issue where Gantt chart drawings such as text boxes, lines, ovals and so forth were lost when .mpp files were reopened after saving.
- Resolved an issue where certain Wingding characters may unexpectedly change to an emoji.
- Resolved an issue where the font color may not be consistent across words when using Immersive Reader with the Syllables option toggled on.
- Resolved an issue where the default font size may not be 12 pt as expected.
- Resolved an issue when using Track Changes where comments may not be visible in contextual view until changes are accepted or rejected.
- Resolved an issue in Word where accepting the security prompt for legacy text forms may clear it to the default text.
- Resolved an issue where the Shape.AlternativeText property may return the alternative text for the group shape instead of the individual shapes.
Office Suite
- We fixed an issue where the application would not render the grid properly on loading some files with Right to Left and freeze panes.
- We fixed an issue in OneNote where ink does not appear until user lifts the input device such as stylus or mouse.
- We fixed an issue where certain PowerPoint files with embedded fonts were not functioning properly when the same font was also installed locally and configured as an organizational font. Opening these files would trigger an error message indicating that the installation of the embedded font had failed.

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