Welcome to the forum. While we can change some elements such as font size in
certain areas of windows, from all I've read we can not do anything with the small fonts in properties just like we can't change font size in control panel and a few other areas because these are hardcoded fonts.. I have spent a lot of time trying different changes and tweaks and finally got MOST of the fonts in windows to something I can live with.
Microsoft recommends users with vision issues use the magnifier in these areas where fonts can not be enlarged. Rather than using the keyboard method method I put in that old thread dacrone referred you to, you can pin magnifier to the taskbar by searching for magnifier, In the search result click "pin to taskbar"..
The size of the fonts on your screen
all starts with scale. If you have trouble seeing fonts in other area of Windows, depending on the size of your monitor, you can increase your scale a bit to see if it helps any. However this will affect the size of most fonts in Windows, but not properties. Settings>system>display>scale. Any further tweaking works off this scale setting.
The thing that helped me most was changing my system font to a different font with more density. Doing this does not make fonts any bigger, just darker everywhere, including properties,.There are a number of fonts already installed in windows that you can use. You can check them out in control panel>fonts.
If Aptos is installed you might try Aptos SemiBold
Here is a tutorial how to change the system font natively in Windows which is how I did it..
This tutorial will show you how to change the default system font for all users in Windows10 and Windows 11. A font is a graphical representation of text that may include a different typeface, point size, weight, color, or design. Windows 11 uses the Segoe UI font as the default system font...
You can also use the third party software Advanced System Font Changer that
@dacrone referenced you to to select what you want. You can also change the size for different elements of Windows with that app.
Whatever changes you make be sure to do it in gradual increments. As another user suggested, it's always smart to image your system before making such changes.