It's acceptable, i guess. SSDs are still new tech. Released for awhile now - but they keep releasing new versions - while competing for speed or a specific market target (lower quality ones becoming the low-end you see in almost every OEM laptop). Thus, some loose their life-span faster than others (apparently your model is more aggressive with the writes - if at 111 Tera is at 95% - while other models at 211 Tera are at 97%). It's even more ironic - that this happens with newer model (or maybe not - due to running at faster speeds - even 2x faster or more).
Based on personal experience - would check it more often when it drops below 60% - to see if it rests at a stable value - or keeps drooping rather fast (more in a week than in a whole year). Some seem stable even at 50% or less, while others are problematic when getting closer to 50%. A bit of a lottery - but above 70% wouldn't worry, tho - just to be safe - keep checking it once in awhile (like once every month or so). Most people won't do that tho (the consumer market is rather toxic this days - many discarding their systems/phones every few years - not really that interested in maintenance).