Hi folks
@flashh4 and others :
Plenty of other ways to avoid using team viewer. If you know the remote IP address you can also use Windows Remote Assistance for assisting with remote computers (although that of course requires someone on the remote computer to approve the remote logon).
The main reason people seem to want to use it is that it provides a remote "Dynamic" IP address for your system whenever your own ISP provider changes the IP address.
RDP (Remote Desktop) is simple enough - just route the appropriate IP address to the router via the standard port (3389) -- or enable Putty with tunnelling . For typical remote uses to HOME computers RDP is easy enough - and while not the most secure system it's safe enough for the average home user for "casual use".
My way round that is via a command line script to send an email to my mobile phone every 2 hours (change at will -- may be every 6 hours or 24 depending on your ISP.
At this stage I'm testing on a server that doesn't need authentication (port 25) -- will add the authentication
in a further example later .
I decided to use netcat rather than telnet because telnet needs a few sleep commands in it to handle
responses from the server.
I left the start variables as interactive so its easier for testing on different servers and sending to different
email addresses.
This also works from the WSL on Windows -- install dnsutils to get the dig command on it.
I'm sure windows gurus out there can easily convert this simple script to Windows -- .
Run say at your choice time interval or whatever via crontab in linux / or in windows any job scheduler -- (Run this on the REMOTE computer of course !!!!).
# Send email from bash
# hrafn simple script to send simple email with your IP address (external)
read -p "Enter SMTP email server address: " server
read -p "Enter SMTP Port: " port
read -p "Enter Your Email Address: " from
read -p "Enter Recipient's Email Address: " to
# get your public IP address
myip="$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @ReSolver1.opendns.com)"
# create message
function mail_input {
echo "ehlo $(hostname -f)"
echo "MAIL FROM: <$from>"
echo "RCPT TO: <$to>"
echo "DATA"
echo "From: <$from>"
echo "To: <$to>"
echo "Subject: Testing SMTP Mail"
echo " "
echo "Your public internet address is "
echo $myip
echo " "
echo "finished"
echo "."
echo "quit"
mail_input | netcat $server $port || err_exit
Don't forget to finish the inline text with the "." line before the SMTP quit command.
Using this method doesn't require the use of an email server or client on the host.
If you always know your own "external remote IP address" you can use all sorts of ways of connecting to your home computer from the wider Internet --remember though that Windows HOME of any release can only act as a CLIENT if you are using RDC for connections. For simple file transfers things like filezillla are good and if you are up to it you can set up the built in Windows VPN too.
With decent fast fibre optic systems even for upload you can avoid 3rd party commercial offerings for remote computer access.
Time to give a "Churchillian 2 fingured salute" to Teamviewer.