WhatsApp Blog:
Sending a voice message makes connecting with friends and family even more personal. There’s something special about hearing your loved one’s voice even when you’re far away. Though sometimes, you’re on the move, in a loud place, or you receive a long voice message that you just can’t stop and listen.
For those moments we’re excited to introduce voice message transcripts. Voice messages can be transcribed into text to help you keep up with conversations no matter what you’re doing.
Transcripts are generated on your device so that no one else, not even WhatsApp, can hear or read your personal messages.
To get started, go to Settings > Chats > Voice message transcripts to easily turn transcriptions on or off and select your transcript language. You can transcribe a voice message by long pressing on the message and tapping on ‘transcribe’. We’re excited to build on this experience and make it even better and more seamless.
Transcripts are rolling out globally over the coming weeks with a few select languages to start though we plan to add more over the coming months. You can learn more about how they work and which languages are currently supported by clicking here.

Introducing Voice Message Transcripts
Sending a voice message makes connecting with friends and family even more personal. There’s something special about hearing your loved one’s voice even when you’re far away. Though sometimes, you’re on the move, in a loud place, or you receive a long voice message that you just can’t stop and...