You can now pick any color with new Eyedropper tool in OneNote

 Microsoft 365 Insider Blog:

Hi, Microsoft 365 Insiders! My name is Victoria Chen and I’m a Product Manager on the Office AI team. I’m excited to share that we have added a new Eyedropper tool in OneNote on Windows that enables you to pick any color from your notes and create a customized set of pens to unleash your creativity!

Pick any color with the new Eyedropper tool in OneNote​

With the new Eyedropper tool in OneNote, you can easily choose a color from any image, shape, or inked notes found in the app. The tool also allows you to build your own personalized set of pens in the drawing toolbox.

Screenshot showing pen tool menu and different custom colors in OneNote.

How it works​

1. Select the pen icon in the drawing toolbox.


2. Select the Eyedropper tool in the dropdown menu.


3. Use the Eyedropper tool to pick any color from your canvas and save it in the Recent Colors section of the dropdown menu for later use.

Scenarios to try​

  • Suppose you’re taking notes during a lecture. You want to annotate your notes using a different color, but you’re not sure what shade of blue you were using for previous annotations. Use the Eyedropper tool to quickly find out which shade of blue you used and keep your notes consistent.
  • Say you want to create a personalized set of pens for a special project. Download an image of a color wheel, insert it into OneNote, and use the Eyedropper tool to customize a set of colors for your project.


This feature is available to Microsoft 365 Insiders running Version 2403 (Build 17407.17509) or later.

NOTE: You must use a device running Windows 10 or later to access this feature.

Don’t have it yet? It’s probably us, not you.

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