Recent content by Rel

  1. Solved TPM related BSOD?

    Sorry for the late response but I ran out of time to work on this on the weekend. I tried with both CSM options but it made no difference, OCCT did not crash until after completing the benchmark and the system idled for a few minutes. That said, I was able to track down a TPM module locally...
  2. Solved TPM related BSOD?

    I already swapped it for another B550 Tomahawk, (I have two systems roughly the same, except the other one has a 3900XT cpu in it) the issue did not transfer with the motherboard. Per my understanding the fTPM is part of the CPU. I am just trying to figure out at this point if the whole CPU is...
  3. Solved TPM related BSOD?

    I will see about trying the emulated TPM this weekend. I let Prime95 run for 16 Hours, no crash. I even unplugged the fans I have on my radiators to see if it would crash from thermal throttling (The hottest CCD got to 89C with the fans unplugged) Here is a screenshot from HWMonitor. I still...
  4. Solved TPM related BSOD?

    30 Minute Furmark result can be found here. Core temp did not go above 68C, Hot spot peaked at 78.5C Crashed again a couple minutes after I ended the furmark run. Its starting to form a trend about it locking up when returning from idle or going to idle. Doing the Prime95 now.
  5. Solved TPM related BSOD?

    Furmark test is running now. Tuneup results is here. Note: The system hard locked about 1 minute after finishing its run of Tuneup.
  6. Solved TPM related BSOD?

    Oh to clarify on the last bit, the system is currently using fTPM (part of the Ryzen 5900x), not in add in module currently. The replacement I ordered is a hardware dTPM, but its still a week out.
  7. Solved TPM related BSOD?

    I was hoping that was not the case, it's such a weird thing to fail randomly. The only consistent error I have gotten throughout the whole troubleshooting process is the "GetCACaps Not Found" error which I have already tried the posted solutions for, I guess I will report back when the TPM...
  8. Solved TPM related BSOD?

    Losing my mind with this seemingly TPM related crash. Started about two weeks ago when the system would freeze when waking my system up from the monitors being off. It would hard lock with no BSOD displayed. It has now progressed to freezing between every few minutes to every few hours during...
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