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    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      The reason I think it might be plausible is that when the desktop comes up, the icons in the Taskbar for Speakers and Network take a...
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      Yes, it was the default sound. No, haven't checked that. I just assumed it must, since the default sound plays - sometimes.
    • I would suggest leaving the case ventilation alone - leave it exhausting out the back as designed - and work on moving hot air out of...
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      I'm liking antspants' idea that Windows is starting up faster than the audio driver can load. I wonder if there is a way to test that idea?
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      Well changing the startup sound will be fun, but first I've got to get it to work on this PC. After that one time on restart it now is...
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      HoHo! :cool: That is Fantastic. You are an animal!
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      Yeah! I'm going to steal that idea! Much better than Picard saying "Engage". I promise I will try switching the file at some point...
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      OK. So this is interesting. If I start the PC from dead OFF - no startup sound. But if I restart the PC - I get a startup sound...
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      Negative. No messing around with system files.
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      So I wonder if I have a corrupted imageres.dll?
    • TVeblen reacted to Winuser's post in the thread No Windows Startup Sound with Helpful Helpful.
      Ignore what I posted about changing the Registry to allow Windows Startup to show in sound settings. I turned on Windows Startup sound...
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      :D Yeah, that's where I "hit the wall" too! But I might still give it a go later this weekend. Right now my boss is giving me the...
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      Yeah, you see that makes a lot more sense. It had to be something like that. And definitely not worth the risk for such a nagging...
    • TVeblen reacted to Edwin's post in the thread No Windows Startup Sound with Helpful Helpful.
      The default Windows 11 Startup Sound is hardcoded into the imageres.dll, you'll need to modify that file via ResHacker. NOTE: These are...
    • TVeblen replied to the thread No Windows Startup Sound.
      While writing these posts I opened the entire Windows\Media folder in Winamp and played them listening for the W11 Windows Startup sound...
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