The free version has removed the recovery environment option.

Bootable USB is obviously a better choice, but slower and less convenient.
Was that recovery environment similar to the add recovery option to "boot menu of Reflect?".
If so, you could copy files from usb drive to a small partition and create a boot entey using easybcd.
I have a batch file that adds winpe partitions to boot menu which is basically a copy of one
@KYHI included in his posts some years ago). I would be happy to include here with
@KYHI's permission. All credit is to him.
As an aside, if I have interpreted the version comparisons correctly, I see V8.9 strangely does incremental backups but not differential backups.
If that is true, a work around would be move the 1st created incremental to a different folder so you are always doing 1st incremental (1st incremental a differential being the same as a differential). A lot of faffing around though.
I do accept having incrementals is the one area where free version scores over Reflect free version.
Having said that, AOMEI is a fine tool but my two main gripes are:
1) it does not fully backup the all the partitions - it leaves out the MSR partition in UEFI mode - Ok no big deal as it is a seemingly useless partition but it is not compliant with MS UEFI structure.
2) More importantly, when doing a partition recovery, you can only select one at a time i.e you cannot select two. For me personally, this is a show stopper.