With what you currently already have, I am fairly convinced that switching to mesh is not worth the investment. For most people, mesh is simply not needed, and I wouldn't have bought my mesh system (nor would I have bought any other mesh system, for that matter...) had it been possible for me to achieve very similar WiFi performance at a significantly lower cost (i.e. by going for just a single "normal" wireless router and a wireless AP). It's just that this 2 Pack from Asus performs better (and has better features) with just two nodes, when compared to an Orbi with three nodes. The main reason why the Asus still gets overlooked by many, in spite of the fact that firmware issues have properly been fixed, is because many continue to wrongfully believe that it will underperform. That is, due to it having only two nodes (because it is a 2 Pack) instead of three and due to a few other things (like not being able to aim the antennae and it not being truly tri-band, etc.) so then they buy the Orbi from Netgear or something similar, and they get average performance with it, yet they still continue to believe that performance is great, like, even when it quite simply is not. lol