Attack not possible if pre-boot authentication PIN is set; as mentioned in that video, transcript and links:
Change how BitLocker Unlocks OS Drive at Startup in Windows 11
Remember that the PIN authentication cannot be protected by the TPM, as that would require the key to be released by the TPM, when the goal of adding the PIN is to... err... well, prevent the key from being released by the TPM till
after the correct PIN has already been entered. Granted, adding the PIN authentication would slow the hacker down, probably enough to be able to justify that particular part of what Microsoft has claimed, i.e., that physical access to the hardware for a lengthy period of time is on the list of what's needed for the attack to be able to succeed. But then, you are still forgetting that Microsoft hadn't said anything at all much about the fact that the PIN authentication is on this same list also, just like you are still forgetting that this PIN authentication is disabled on Windows 11 by default. Finally, if the whole computer gets stolen, it will be only a matter of time before an experienced hacker can get in. All it factually does in that regard is, it just adds an additional pile of proverbial doormats to check.
In a corporate environment, BitLocker can be used in concert with TPM 2.0, Secure Boot, Trusted Boot, Measured boot and Device Health Attestation (DHA) to
detect any tampering that would alter the normal boot process in some way. That's because Measured Boot allows the PCR registers of the TPM to be used to record these detections, and also to protect these recorded detections against being manipulated after they are stored in the PCR registers. It doesn't actually
prevent the boot process from being able to be tampered with, though. Rather, it merely adds the ability to verify that no tampering has occurred, to report back to the AM (Anti-Malware) service, to analyze what went on, and to take the appropriate actions if needed (also with optional ability to automate such actions). Appropriate actions here meaning,
after the tampering has been detected.