New Egg pulled a 'Bait & Switch' on me several years back. I'm pretty sure it was one person and not the whole Corp. but, once bitten twice shy, so to speak. They are still on my S**T list. I have several very reliable parts suppliers, that I've acquired over the years.
As for computers...I'm a PC builder, going all the way back to 1980, so when I want a PC, I just build it. I've got a new one in process right now. New parts have gotten out of reason, so I went dumpster diving, so to speak, on eBay and found a Gigabyte motherboard with an AMD cpu and fan combo, and 4 GB of RAM, all for under $100.
I use to have the same mobo and cpu, before it blew up, and I know it runs great and will also run any version of Windows.
So I've got a brand new case, all set up for the new mobo' and now I'm just waiting on the Big Brown Truck to get here.
I have a great little 250GB SSD with Win-11/Pro/64 running on it now, on a 15 yr old HP Slimline, and I know when I put it into the new PC it will boot up, put a few messages on the screen, like, "Please Wait" or "Getting some things ready" or "Setting things up for you."
And after the assorted messages, it will finish booting up like it was always there. And it will run just as good as it has for the past several months on that little HP.
It's just a matter of getting the right version of Win-11, installing it properly, and then making sure that MS interference (called updates) is permanently disabled.
Life is so much easier when you're not constantly Jousting with Windmills.