Installation and Upgrade Clean Install Windows 11


This tutorial will show you step by step on how to clean install Windows 11 at boot on your PC with or without an Internet connection and setup with a local account or Microsoft account.

Windows 11 has all the power and security of Windows 10 with a redesigned and refreshed look. It also comes with new tools, sounds, and apps. Every detail has been considered. All of it comes together to bring you a refreshing experience on your PC.

A clean install of Windows 11 will wipe out everything on the drive you select to install Windows 11 on giving you a completely new default installation of Windows 11.

Starting with Windows 11 build 25905, Microsoft have adjusted the prerequisites (removal of Modern Standby/HSTI validation and untrusted DMA ports check) for enabling device encryption so that it is automatically enabled when doing clean installs of Windows 11.


If you’d like to see if your current PC meets the minimum requirements, download and run the PC Health Check app.

It is required to be connected to the Internet if you want to set up a Microsoft account during Windows Setup.

It is not required to be connected to the Internet if you want to set up a local account during Windows Setup.

If you set up a Microsoft account during Windows Setup, it will get linked to OneDrive to backup and sync your files by default. You can either set up a local account instead to avoid this, or stop the backup and sync your files to OneDrive when the installation is complete.

If you set up a Microsoft account during Windows Setup, your user profile folder in the "C:\Users" folder will be named with the first 5 characters of the email address used for your Microsoft account. If you want to specify the name of your user profile folder in the "C:\Users" folder, then you will need to set up a local account during Windows Setup instead of a Microsoft account so your user profile folder will have the same name you enter as the local account name. When Windows 11 has finished installing, you can switch to a Microsoft account from the local account (if wanted) without the user profile folder name getting changed.

Here's How:

1 If you have not already, you will need to create a bootable Windows 11 installation USB that supports UEFI mode.

2 It is recommended to temporarily disconnect or disable all non OS hard drives until Windows installation has finished for the following reasons:
  • To avoid you mistakenly deleting or formatting the wrong disk or drive.
  • To prevent Windows Setup from installing the boot configuration files (bootloader) to a different connected hard drive instead of on the disk Windows will be installed on.
3 Boot to the UEFI firmware settings for your motherboard, and enable UEFI or disable Legacy BIOS (CSM) mode.

Usually it will be set to UEFI mode by default if supported. You may need to read your PC's or motherboard's manual for its specific instructions on how to change this setting.

4 Boot from the Windows 11 installation USB flash drive on your computer.

5 Perform an available step below: (see screenshots below)
  • (OLD) Select your language, time and currency format, and keyboard or input method preferences, and click/tap on Next.
  • (NEW) Select your Language to install and Time and currency format, click/tap on Next, select Keyboard or input method, and click/tap on Next.

6 Select (dot) Install Windows 11, check I agree everything will be deleted including files, apps, an settings, and click/tap on Next.


7 Enter your Windows 11 product key, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)

The product key you enter will determine which edition of Windows 11 gets installed, and is required to activate Windows 11 unless you activate with a digital license instead. If you don't enter a product key and click/tap on I don't have a product key, you will be able to select the Windows 11 edition you want to install at step 8 below, but Windows 11 will not be activated.

You can enter an official Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 retail product key (OEM keys will not work) not currently used to activate Windows on another PC, and click/tap on Next to activate Windows 11.

⚠️ Free Activation from Windows 7/8 key or upgrade to Windows 10/11 Ends

If you do not have a product key available right now, click/tap on the I don't have a product key link, select the Windows 11 edition you want to install at step 8. You will be able to manually activate Windows 11 with your product key when you want later after the Windows 11 installation has finished.

If you want to activate with a digital license linked to your Microsoft account, click/tap on the I don't have a product key link, select the Windows 11 edition you want to install at step 8, and add your linked Microsoft account at step 20 .

You will not be asked to enter a product key if installing Windows 11 Enterprise. You will need to manually activate later after installation has finished.

If this is an OEM PC that has a valid product key embedded in its UEFI firmware chip, then you will not be prompted to enter a product key. Windows 11 will automatically use the embedded product key if its valid for the edition being installed. If needed, you can change the product key after installation has finished.


8 If you clicked on I don't have a product key in step 7 above, then select the Windows 11 edition you want to install, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshots below)


9 Click/tap on Accept for applicable notices and license terms. (see screenshot below)


10 Perform one of the following actions to select a drive or disk to install Windows 11 on: (see screenshots below)

If RAID is enabled in UEFI/BIOS, Windows Setup may not see any drive(s) available to select to install on.

In this situation, you could either disable RAID in BIOS/UEFI or select to "Add driver" to install the RAID driver from your OEM/motherboard manufacturer's chipset.

AMD Quick Start Guide- Chapter 5: Install AMD-RAID Drivers (PDF)

Intel Support - Installing the Operating System onto a RAID Volume—F6 Install Method

If no drives can be found during Windows 11 or Windows 10 installation (Intel 11th Generation processors)

  • Delete all partitions on the Drive # (ex: Drive 0) you want to install Windows 11 until that Drive # shows only as one Unallocated Space, select the unallocated space, and click/tap on Next.

    Starting with Windows 11 build 27774.1000 (Canary), you will now see a confirmation dialog when formatting or deleting partitions.

  • Select a Primary or unallocated partition on a drive you want to install Windows 11, Delete the partition/volume if not already unallocated, click/tap on OK to confirm, and click/tap on Next.

11 Click/tap on Install when ready. (see screenshot below)


12 The installation of Windows 11 will now begin. (see screenshot below)

During the installation process, your screen may flash and the computer will restart a few times.


13 When installation has finished, select your country or region (ex: "United States"), and click/tap on Yes. (see screenshot below)

If you would like to set up this PC to have an OOBE (Out-of-box Experience) so another user/owner can pick up at this step to finish setting up Windows on the PC with their own account and preferences the next time the PC it turned on, then:

1. Press the Shift + F10 keys when you see the screenshot below to open a command prompt.
2. Type C:\Windows\System32\shutdown -s -t 0 -f into the command prompt, and press Enter to shut down Windows.


14 Select the keyboard layout (ex: "US") you want, and click/tap on Yes. (see screenshot below)


15 Select Add layout or Skip depending on if you want to add a second keyboard layout or not. (see screenshot below)


16 Windows Setup will now check for an Internet connection. If an Internet connection is not detected, it will prompt you to connect and select an Ethernet network and/or setup and connect to a Wi-Fi network (if available), and click/tap on Next. (see screenshots below)

Starting with a Windows 11 build 25987 (Canary) ISO, when you need to connect to a network and there is no Wi-Fi drivers, you will be given an option to press an Install Drivers button to install drivers you have previously downloaded.

It is required to have an Internet connection if you want to set up a Microsoft account, or work or school account.

If you do not have an Internet connection, you will only be able to set up a local account instead of a Microsoft account during Windows Setup.

If installing a Windows 11 Pro or Education edition and you currently do not have an Internet connection available, click/tap on I don't have Internet (if prompted), and go to step 21D to set up a local account. I don't have Internet is not available by default for the Home edition unless you use the OOBE\BYPASSNRO command below first.

Starting with Windows 11 version 23H2 and 24H2, if you have an Internet connection and want to set up a local account instead of a Microsoft account, you will need to press the Shift + F10 keys to open a command prompt. Copy and paste the OOBE\BYPASSNRO command into the command prompt, and press Enter. This will restart the computer, and take you back to step 13. You should then be able to click/tap on I don't have internet (if prompted) when you get back to this step, and go to step 21D to set up a local account.


17 Type a name you want for the PC, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)

You can always rename the PC at anytime if needed.

Your PC name cannot have more then 15 characters.

Your PC name cannot have spaces or any of the following special characters: " /\ [] : | <> + + ; , ?


18 Perform an action below for which type of account you want to set up: (see screenshot below)

You will not see this step if installing a Windows 11 Home edition. You will see step 19 instead.

  • Click/tap on Set up for personal use, click/tap on Next, and go to step 19 to set up a Microsoft account or local account on your personal PC.
  • Click/tap on Set up for work or school, click/tap on Next, and go to step 22 to set up a work or school account on your PC to join a domain.

If Windows Updates are available, they will install before you are able to continue past this step.



19 Click/tap on Sign in, and go to the step below depending on if your want to set up a local account or Microsoft account to sign in to Windows 11 with. (see screenshot below)

This account will be an administrator account on the PC.


20 Set Up Windows 11 with a Microsoft Account

For more details about a Microsoft account, see: Microsoft account | Microsoft Docs

A) Type in the email address for your Microsoft account, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​

If you do not have a Microsoft account and would like to use one, click/tap on the Create one link to create a new Microsoft account.


B) Type in the password for your Microsoft account, and click/tap on Sign in. (see screenshot below)​


C) If you have two-step verification turned on for your Microsoft account, select how (ex: email or text) you would like to get a code sent to you. (see screenshots below)​


D) Provide any other required information based on how you selected to get a code, and click/tap on Send code. (see screenshot below)​


E) Enter the code you received from Microsoft, and click/tap on Verify. (see screenshot below)​


F) Click/tap on Create PIN. (see screenshot below)​


G) Enter a PIN you want to use to sign in with, and click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below)​


G) Turn On (default) or Off the privacy settings you want, and click/tap on Accept when finished. (see screenshots below)​

You will be able to change these privacy settings at anytime in Windows 11.


I) If you don't want to use Restore from this PC from a selected PC, then click/tap on More options, click/tap on Set up as a new PC, and click/tap on Set up as a new PC again to confirm. (see screenshots below)​

You can select to restore your settings, preferences, Microsoft Store apps, and synced OneDrive files from another device instead of setting up as a new device.

Clean_install_Windows_11_Microsoft_account-10A.png Clean_install_Windows_11_Microsoft_account-10b.png Clean_install_Windows_11_Microsoft_account-10c.png

J) Check all the ways you plan to use this device, and click/tap on Accept. (see screenshot below)​

Click/tap on Skip instead if you do not want to select (check) any device usages.

You can change your device usage options at any time in Windows 11.


K) Scan the QR code with your Android phone to link it if wanted, and click/tap on Continue. (see screenshot below)​

Click/tap on Skip instead if you do not want to link an Android phone.

This option is only available starting with Windows 11 build 22567.


L) If prompted (no longer asked), click/tap on the Only save files to this PC (recommended) link or Next depending on if you want to use OneDrive or not. (see screenshot below)​

This is for backing up and syncing your account's personal Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Music, and/or Videos folders to your online (cloud) OneDrive.

When you back up a folder its contents get moved to your account's OneDrive folder on the PC to then be synced with your online OneDrive.

⚠️ If you set up a Microsoft account during Windows Setup, it will get linked to OneDrive to backup and sync your files by default. You can either set up a local account instead to avoid this, or stop the backup and sync your files to OneDrive when the installation is complete.


M) If prompted to "Keep your phone's photos safe with OneDrive", click/tap on Skip or Next for what you want. (see screenshot below)​


N) If prompted to "Always have access to your recent browsing data" for Microsoft Edge, click/tap on Now now or Accept for what you want. (see screenshot below)​


O) If prompted to "Join PC Game Pass for only $$ a month", click/tap on Skip for now or Join for what you want. (see screenshot below)​


P) If prompted to "Try premium Office apps for free with Microsoft 365", click/tap on Decline or Continue for what you want. (see screenshot below)​


Q) If prompted to "Get 100 GB more cloud storage" for OneDrive, click/tap on Decline or Continue for what you want. (see screenshot below)​


R) Go to step 23.​

21 Set Up Windows 11 with a Local Account

For more details about a local account, see: Local account | Microsoft Docs:

A) Enter this specific fake email address (""), and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​


B) Enter a fake password, and click/tap on Sign in. (see screenshot below)​


C) Click/tap on Next when you see Oops, something went wrong. (see screenshots below)​

If you see "To unlock you account, you can reset your password" instead of "please try again later", then press the Shift + F10 keys to open a command prompt. Copy and paste the OOBE\BYPASSNRO command into the command prompt, and press Enter. This will restart the computer, and take you back to step 13. You should then be able to click/tap on I don't have internet (if prompted) when you get back to step 16, and go to step 21D below to set up a local account.


D) Enter a user name you want for this local account, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​


E) Enter a password you want for this local account, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​

If you do not want this local account to have a password, leave the password field empty, click/tap on Next, and go to step J below.


F) Enter the password again to confirm, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​


G) Select a security question (1 of 3) you want from the drop menu, type your answer, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​


H) Select a security question (2 of 3) you want from the drop menu, type your answer, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​


I) Select a security question (3 of 3) you want from the drop menu, type your answer, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​


J) Turn On (default) or Off the privacy settings you want, and click/tap on Accept when finished. (see screenshots below)​

You will be able to change these privacy settings at anytime in Windows 11.


O) Go to step 23.​

22 Set Up Windows 11 with a Work or School Account

A) Type in the email address for your work or school account, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​


B) Type in the password for your work or school account, and click/tap on Sign in. (see screenshot below)​


C) Turn On (default) or Off the privacy settings you want, and click/tap on Accept when finished. (see screenshots below)​

You will be able to change these privacy settings at anytime in Windows 11.


D) Windows Setup will check for updates. (see screenshot below)​


E) If prompted to use Windows Hello with your account, click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below)​


F) If your organization requires additional security information, click/tap on Next, and follow any other given instructions to verify. (see screenshot below)​


G) When finished, go to step 23.​

23 When the clean install has finished, you will be on your desktop in Windows 11 with the Start menu open. (see screenshot below)


24 Make sure the correct time zone, date, and time is set.

25 Check for and install any available Windows Updates.

26 Install any needed drivers for your devices.

That's it,
Shawn Brink



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My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Computer type
    Custom self build
    Intel i7-8700K 5 GHz
    ASUS ROG Maximus XI Formula Z390
    64 GB (4x16GB) G.SKILL TridentZ RGB DDR4 3600 MHz (F4-3600C18D-32GTZR)
    Graphics Card(s)
    Sound Card
    Integrated Digital Audio (S/PDIF)
    Monitor(s) Displays
    2 x Samsung Odyssey G75 27"
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    1TB Samsung 990 PRO M.2,
    4TB Samsung 990 PRO M.2,
    8TB WD MyCloudEX2Ultra NAS
    Seasonic Prime Titanium 850W
    Thermaltake Core P3 wall mounted
    Corsair Hydro H115i
    Logitech wireless K800
    Logitech MX Master 3
    Internet Speed
    1 Gbps Download and 35 Mbps Upload
    Google Chrome
    Microsoft Defender and Malwarebytes Premium
    Other Info
    Logitech Z625 speaker system,
    Logitech BRIO 4K Pro webcam,
    HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdn,
    CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD
    Galaxy S23 Plus phone
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 Pro
    Computer type
    Surface Laptop 7 Copilot+ PC
    Snapdragon X Elite (12 core) 3.42 GHz
    16 GB LPDDR5x-7467 MHz
    Monitor(s) Displays
    15" HDR
    Screen Resolution
    2496 x 1664
    Hard Drives
    1 TB SSD
    Internet Speed
    Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.4
    Chrome and Edge
    Windows Defender
There's a note about OEM devices and the key embedded in the UEFI if that's what you meant.
I just meant a few words about not needing a product key during reinstallation if the previous activation was with a digital licence.
Settings, System, Activation - Activated with a digital licence.png


My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11 Home x64 Version 23H2 Build 22631.3447
I just meant a few words about not needing a product key during reinstallation if the previous activation was with a digital licence.


Ok. Gotcha. Done.

My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Computer type
    Custom self build
    Intel i7-8700K 5 GHz
    ASUS ROG Maximus XI Formula Z390
    64 GB (4x16GB) G.SKILL TridentZ RGB DDR4 3600 MHz (F4-3600C18D-32GTZR)
    Graphics Card(s)
    Sound Card
    Integrated Digital Audio (S/PDIF)
    Monitor(s) Displays
    2 x Samsung Odyssey G75 27"
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    1TB Samsung 990 PRO M.2,
    4TB Samsung 990 PRO M.2,
    8TB WD MyCloudEX2Ultra NAS
    Seasonic Prime Titanium 850W
    Thermaltake Core P3 wall mounted
    Corsair Hydro H115i
    Logitech wireless K800
    Logitech MX Master 3
    Internet Speed
    1 Gbps Download and 35 Mbps Upload
    Google Chrome
    Microsoft Defender and Malwarebytes Premium
    Other Info
    Logitech Z625 speaker system,
    Logitech BRIO 4K Pro webcam,
    HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdn,
    CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD
    Galaxy S23 Plus phone
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 Pro
    Computer type
    Surface Laptop 7 Copilot+ PC
    Snapdragon X Elite (12 core) 3.42 GHz
    16 GB LPDDR5x-7467 MHz
    Monitor(s) Displays
    15" HDR
    Screen Resolution
    2496 x 1664
    Hard Drives
    1 TB SSD
    Internet Speed
    Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.4
    Chrome and Edge
    Windows Defender
I am going to attempt a Windows 11 clean installation but I have a few questions before I start which I hope someone might be able to help me with. I am a novice.

1. I currently have a Microsoft account and the PC I'm going to install over is already using this account. I am unclear whether I should unlink the device in my Microsoft account before setting up again. Is there a need to use a different PC name or is it OK to use the same again?

2. Do I use the 5 groups of 5 letters and numbers on my OEM sticker when I do this installation as I'm not sure how the activation works?


3. I am considering first creating a local account because I want my user folder to be Chelsea rather than the beginning of my email address. I understand that this can later be turned into a Microsoft account. Am I right in thinking that when I turn it into a Microsoft account, I would still only have the one user? I don't want to end up with a local and an online account. Incidentally, my PC name is also Chelsea - would this pose any problems at all? My Windows 10 PC also has the username of Chelsea but a different PC name. I do have a home network although the old computer will be retired soon.

4. I am not sure whether I need to set a password for the local account during setup. Will it become the same as the password I use for my Microsoft account once I convert the account into a Microsoft account or should I give the local account the same password during setup?

5. My PC currently has these drives. I believe F, G, H and K are my card reader. I had to previously revert to a backup which I took with EaseUs ToDo Backup software when I first got the PC and I think either the USB boot stick or the external hard drive took up E: when I restored the image. I usually use K: as a permanent drive letter for one of my external hard drives. Is there a way to choose the drive letters when I install Windows as I would like to use up E: for the card reader and free up K:. I don't see a way to change this in Disk Management and I only have SD cards which I think use up F: I don't seem to have media for K:



6. Will the new installation create a working Recovery Partition as for some reason I don't seem to have one at the moment.

7. Once Windows is installed, do the relevant drivers get installed automatically if I go to Windows Update? The reason I ask is that my Downloads folder currently has various zipped folders which look like drivers that the shop who built my PC must have downloaded.

I'm so sorry for all the questions - I do hope someone will be able to help me.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11
    Computer type
    Custom built

My respect. You must have studied a lot. Learnin by doing is my motto. First of all I want to tell you about partitions:.
There are 3 hidden partition (ESP, MSR,Recovery) and one Windows-Partition (C:).
What you see normall is only (C:) That is like a big house with only one room. Everything in one room: kitchen, bathroom, living room, sleeping room and so on.
Not very exciting. So you devide/split your house into several rooms. The same with your disk: You devide it into partitions. One partition for the operating system and programs and one or more partitions for the files and so on.
If you have a house with a 2nd floor you have more options. Your 2nd disk is like the 2nd floor.
Convinced and more questions? The point is here: You don't have the experience and knowledge to decide what configuration is the best for you.
What you can do right now: Delete the 633 MB Partition on disk 1 in diskmanagement. It's useless.
Copy your important files to your D Drive (I:)
I have a MS-script to prepare your disk 1.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 10
    Computer type
    HP ZBook
    Intel 6700HQ
    Graphics Card(s)
    AMD FirePro 5170M
    Hard Drives
    Samsung SSD 860 Pro
    Other Info
    some Red Hat workhorses

Thank you for your reply. I do understand the principle of what you are saying but I am such a novice with information overload at the moment that I don't know if I would want to attempt partitioning the disk. Unless there are some very easy, step-by-step instructions to follow, I will probably carry on with the large C: partition and carry on backing up my data every day. I also do regular whole disk and partition backups with my EaseUs ToDo backup software (hopefully I can get things working again as I want and start using this PC). I have not yet stopped using my old computer and all my data is still on there.

If anyone could address my previous questions, I'd be very grateful. Thank you.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11
    Computer type
    Custom built
1 No need to unlink. You can use the same or a different MS account name afterwards.

2 Yes but check Settings, System, Activation on your existing Windows Pro installation. If it's activated with a digital licence then you do not need to put in any product key at all.
[illustrated in post #183 above].

3 Yes, just the one user. No, your name is not a problem. A user account with the same name on another computer does not cause any problems; Windows knows they are different accounts despite having the same name.

4 I don't know. See the tutorial about converting local user accounts to MS user accounts - Switch to Microsoft Account from Local Account - ElevenForumTutorials

5 I suggest you set them up in Disk mgmt afterwards. There is a tutorial to guide you - Change Drive Letter - ElevenForumTutorials I suggest you re-post those two diagrams after the clean install without any additional SD card / USBs connected, just the built-in drives. Get those right first and then deciding what to do about drive letters for your SDs & USBs will just fall into place easily.

6 Yes.

7 WU is often good enough. If you have those recommended drivers then makes copies of them. And, most importantly, Backup and Restore Device Drivers - ElevenForumTutorials will save you stacks of work & uncertainty.

Why are you reinstalling Windows?

You've put in so much effort already that I hope you can find the time to consider partitioning so you have an OS drive & a data drive. That can be done after the installation. A tool like MiniToolDiskWiazrd is better than the built-in Disk mgmt for this. I don't have any link to a pre-written guide to doing the job. I suggest you ask in a new thread.
You already have an additional disk. You can use that for your own files without doing any partitioning work at all.
- You can just keep your C:\ drive for your OS & applications, and
- You can just remember to save files to your D:\ drive.
There are some settings you can adjust that make this easier but they are not compulsory.
Separating OS-Apps and Data like this eases making & restoring system images. Making them will be so quick that you will bother doing so much more often than if your own files are mixed in on the same drive.

Best of luck,
Last edited:

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11 Home x64 Version 23H2 Build 22631.3447

Here ya go... it's easy. :-)

Get Minitools Partition Wizard (free) here...

1. Install that program.
2. Run the program. (it looks sort of like Disk Management.
3. See the steps in the picture below...

We're gonna "Resize" your C: partition to 200GB...

1. Right click the C:\ partition and choose: Move/resize
2. In the windows that pops up, grab the handle on the far right and slide it to the left.
3. ...until it says: 200.xx in the Partition size box. 200GB should be plenty big enough for now and the future.
4. Then click "Apply" in the lower left corner.

The computer will need to reboot to perform this operation. Let it.



When it's all done and you're back on your desktop... Disk Management will look something like this...


Just run Minitool Partition Wizard again, and this time... right click the "Unallocated" space and choose: Create
This will allow you to "create new partition in ther Unallocated space.
Just use ALL the unallocated space. The unallocated space will be approx. 730 GB.
In the boxes choose: Primary, NTFS, and Default Cluster size. Pick D: for the drive letter.
At the bottom left, click Apply. It won't need to reboot, this time.

Now, you can use the new D:\ drive as storage, etc. You can even split D: into some smaller partitions.


Now, you're a Partition Wizard, yourself. :-)
Last edited:

My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Win 11 Home ♦♦♦26100.3323 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦24H2 ♦♦♦non-Insider
    Computer type
    Built by Ghot® [May 2020]
    AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
    Asus Pro WS X570-ACE (BIOS 5002)
    G.Skill (F4-3200C14D-16GTZKW)
    Graphics Card(s)
    EVGA RTX 2070 (08G-P4-2171-KR)
    Sound Card
    Realtek ALC1220P / ALC S1220A
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Dell U3011 30"
    Screen Resolution
    2560 x 1600
    Hard Drives
    2x Samsung 860 EVO 500GB,
    WD 4TB Black FZBX - SATA III,
    WD 8TB Black FZBX - SATA III,
    DRW-24B1ST CD/DVD Burner
    PC Power & Cooling 750W Quad EPS12V
    Cooler Master ATCS 840 Tower
    CM Hyper 212 EVO (push/pull)
    Ducky DK9008 Shine II Blue LED
    Logitech Optical M-100
    Internet Speed
    Firefox (latest)
    Bitdefender Internet Security
    Other Info
    Speakers: Klipsch Pro Media 2.1
  • Operating System
    Windows XP Pro 32bit w/SP3
    Computer type
    Built by Ghot® (not in use)
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (OC'd @ 3.2Ghz)
    ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition
    TWIN2X2048-6400C4DHX (2 x 1GB, DDR2 800)
    Graphics card(s)
    EVGA 256-P2-N758-TR GeForce 8600GT SSC
    Sound Card
    Monitor(s) Displays
    ViewSonic G90FB Black 19" Professional (CRT)
    Screen Resolution
    up to 2048 x 1536
    Hard Drives
    WD 36GB 10,000rpm Raptor SATA
    Seagate 80GB 7200rpm SATA
    Lite-On LTR-52246S CD/RW
    Lite-On LH-18A1P CD/DVD Burner
    PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750 Quad EPS12V
    Generic Beige case, 80mm fans
    ZALMAN 9500A 92mm CPU Cooler
    Logitech Optical M-BT96a
    Logitech Classic Keybooard 200
    Internet Speed
    Firefox 3.x ??
    Symantec (Norton)
    Other Info
    Still assembled, still runs. Haven't turned it on for 15 years?

Here ya go... it's easy. :-)

Get Minitools Partition Wizard (free) here...

1. Install that program.
2. Run the program. (it looks sort of like Disk Management.
3. See the steps in the picture below...

We're gonna "Resize" your C: partition to 200GB...

1. Right click the C:\ partition and choose: Move/resize
2. In the windows that pops up, grab the handle on the far right and slide it to the left.
3. ...until it says: 200.xx in the Partition size box.
4. Then click "Apply" in the lower left corner.

The computer will need to reboot to perform this operation. Let it.

View attachment 78628

View attachment 78627

When it's all done and you're back on your desktop... Disk Management will look something like this...

View attachment 78630

Just run Minitool Partition Wizard again, and this time... right click the "Unallocated" space and choose: Create
This will allow you to "create new partition in ther Unallocated space.
Just use ALL the unallocated space.
In the boxes choose: Primary, NTFS, and Default Cluster size. Pick D: for the drive letter.
At the bottom left, click Apply. It won't need to reboot, this time.

Now, you're a Partition Wizard, yourself. :-)
Whoa and there I really learned something for MTPW 😎

My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Windows 11 Pro 22631.3810/Windows 11 RP 24H2 VM
    Computer type
    Intel Celeron N4000 @ 1.10GHz Gemini Lake 14nm
    LENOVO LNVNB161216 (U3E1)
    8GB Ram
    Graphics Card(s)
    Intel UHD Graphics 600 (Lenovo)
    Sound Card
    Realtek High Definition Audio Intel Display Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Generic PnP Monitor (1920x1080@60Hz)
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    512GB Western Digital WDC PC SN530 SDBPMPZ-512G-1101 (Unknown (SSD))
    Laptop Keyboard
    G5 Gaming Mouse
    Internet Speed
    Microsoft Defender
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 RP 24H2 VM
    Computer type
    Intel Celeron N4000 @ 1.10GHz Gemini Lake 14nm
    LENOVO LNVNB161216 (U3E1)
    8GB Ram
    Graphics card(s)
    Intel UHD Graphics 600 (Lenovo)
    Sound Card
    Realtek High Definition Audio Intel Display Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Generic PnP Monitor (1920x1080@60Hz)
    Screen Resolution
    G5 Gaming Mouse
    Laptop Keyboard
    Internet Speed
    Microsoft Defender
1. I currently have a Microsoft account and the PC I'm going to install over is already using this account. I am unclear whether I should unlink the device in my Microsoft account before setting up again. Is there a need to use a different PC name or is it OK to use the same again?
No, leave it linked. In the unlikely event that you need to use the Activation Troubleshooter it requires the digital licence to be linked to your MS account.

2. Do I use the 5 groups of 5 letters and numbers on my OEM sticker when I do this installation as I'm not sure how the activation works?
If you are asked for a key during the clean install, skip entering one. Click 'I don't have a key'. Windows then installs with the generic key which will activate from your existing digital licence as soon as the PC can contact the Microsoft activation servers.

3. I am considering first creating a local account because I want my user folder to be Chelsea rather than the beginning of my email address. I understand that this can later be turned into a Microsoft account. Am I right in thinking that when I turn it into a Microsoft account, I would still only have the one user?
Yes, the account is the same one, but it will now show your MS account name on the sign in screen. Your user folder will still be the same name (Chelsea) as it was when the account was set up as a local one. You can switch the account from local to MS, or MS to local, as often as you want. The user folder will remain the same.

4. I am not sure whether I need to set a password for the local account during setup. Will it become the same as the password I use for my Microsoft account once I convert the account into a Microsoft account or should I give the local account the same password during setup?
The local account password is completely separate from the MS account password. It makes no difference if you had set a password for the local account or left it blank, either way you can easily switch to an MS account. If you ever switch back to a local account you will be asked to set a new password.

My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Windows 11 Home
    Computer type
    Acer Aspire 3 A315-23
    AMD Athlon Silver 3050U
    Graphics Card(s)
    Radeon Graphics
    Monitor(s) Displays
    laptop screen
    Screen Resolution
    1366x768 native resolution, up to 2560x1440 with Radeon Virtual Super Resolution
    Hard Drives
    1TB Samsung EVO 870 SSD
    Internet Speed
    50 Mbps
    Edge, Firefox
    Other Info
    fully 'Windows 11 ready' laptop. Windows 10 C: partition migrated from my old unsupported 'main machine' then upgraded to 11. A test migration ran Insider builds for 2 months. When 11 was released on 5th October 2021 it was re-imaged back to 10 and was offered the upgrade in Windows Update on 20th October. Windows Update offered the 22H2 Feature Update on 20th September 2022. It got the 23H2 Feature Update on 4th November 2023 through Windows Update, and 24H2 on 3rd October 2024 through Windows Update by setting the Target Release Version for 24H2.

    My SYSTEM THREE is a Dell Latitude 5410, i7-10610U, 32GB RAM, 512GB NVMe ssd, supported device running Windows 11 Pro.

    My SYSTEM FOUR is a 2-in-1 convertible Lenovo Yoga 11e 20DA, Celeron N2930, 8GB RAM, 256GB ssd. Unsupported device: currently running Win10 Pro, plus Win11 Pro RTM and Insider Dev, Beta, and RP 24H2 as native boot vhdx.

    My SYSTEM FIVE is a Dell Latitude 3190 2-in-1, Pentium Silver N5030, 8GB RAM, 512GB NVMe ssd, supported device running Windows 11 Pro, plus Insider Beta, Dev, and Canary builds (and a few others) as a native boot .vhdx.

    My SYSTEM SIX is a Dell Latitude 5550, Core Ultra 7 165H, 64GB RAM, 1TB NVMe SSD, supported device, Windows 11 Pro 24H2, Hyper-V host machine.
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 Pro
    Computer type
    Dell Latitude E4310
    Intel® Core™ i5-520M
    Graphics card(s)
    (integrated graphics) Intel HD Graphics
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    500GB Crucial MX500 SSD
    Firefox, Edge
    Other Info
    unsupported machine: Legacy bios, MBR, TPM 1.2, upgraded from W10 to W11 using W10/W11 hybrid install media workaround. In-place upgrade to 22H2 using ISO and a workaround. Feature Update to 23H2 by manually installing the Enablement Package. In-place upgrade to 24H2 using hybrid 23H2/24H2 install media. Also running Insider Beta, Dev, and Canary builds as a native boot .vhdx.

    My SYSTEM THREE is a Dell Latitude 5410, i7-10610U, 32GB RAM, 512GB NVMe ssd, supported device running Windows 11 Pro.

    My SYSTEM FOUR is a 2-in-1 convertible Lenovo Yoga 11e 20DA, Celeron N2930, 8GB RAM, 256GB ssd. Unsupported device: currently running Win10 Pro, plus Win11 Pro RTM and Insider Dev, Beta, and RP 24H2 as native boot vhdx.

    My SYSTEM FIVE is a Dell Latitude 3190 2-in-1, Pentium Silver N5030, 8GB RAM, 512GB NVMe ssd, supported device running Windows 11 Pro, plus Insider Beta, Dev, and Canary builds (and a few others) as a native boot .vhdx.

    My SYSTEM SIX is a Dell Latitude 5550, Core Ultra 7 165H, 64GB RAM, 1TB NVMe SSD, supported device, Windows 11 Pro 24H2, Hyper-V host machine.
Hello Annie, :alien:

Answers to your questions inline:

I am going to attempt a Windows 11 clean installation but I have a few questions before I start which I hope someone might be able to help me with. I am a novice.

1. I currently have a Microsoft account and the PC I'm going to install over is already using this account. I am unclear whether I should unlink the device in my Microsoft account before setting up again. Is there a need to use a different PC name or is it OK to use the same again?

You can set up either a Microsoft account or local account while doing a clean install of Window 11 using the steps in the tutorial in the first post here.

If you want to use Microsoft services (ex: OneDrive), then you'll need to use a Microsoft account.

2. Do I use the 5 groups of 5 letters and numbers on my OEM sticker when I do this installation as I'm not sure how the activation works?

You would enter the 5 groups of characters as the product key.

3. I am considering first creating a local account because I want my user folder to be Chelsea rather than the beginning of my email address. I understand that this can later be turned into a Microsoft account. Am I right in thinking that when I turn it into a Microsoft account, I would still only have the one user? I don't want to end up with a local and an online account. Incidentally, my PC name is also Chelsea - would this pose any problems at all? My Windows 10 PC also has the username of Chelsea but a different PC name. I do have a home network although the old computer will be retired soon.

Setting up a local account would be a smart idea to have the profile folder use the same name.

You can easily switch the local account to a Microsoft account like in the tutorial below, and only have the one Microsoft account afterwards.

4. I am not sure whether I need to set a password for the local account during setup. Will it become the same as the password I use for my Microsoft account once I convert the account into a Microsoft account or should I give the local account the same password during setup?

There's no need to set up a password with the local account if your going to switch it to a Microsoft account afterwards since it'll just use the password for your Microsoft account anyways.

5. My PC currently has these drives. I believe F, G, H and K are my card reader. I had to previously revert to a backup which I took with EaseUs ToDo Backup software when I first got the PC and I think either the USB boot stick or the external hard drive took up E: when I restored the image. I usually use K: as a permanent drive letter for one of my external hard drives. Is there a way to choose the drive letters when I install Windows as I would like to use up E: for the card reader and free up K:. I don't see a way to change this in Disk Management and I only have SD cards which I think use up F: I don't seem to have media for K:

The Windows drive will always be "C" while running Windows.

When you get to step 11, you would select and wipe the disk to install Windows on. This would be "Disk 1" in your Disk Management screenshot.

6. Will the new installation create a working Recovery Partition as for some reason I don't seem to have one at the moment.

If you do a full clean install by wiping the disk to be "Unallocated" like at step 11 it will.

7. Once Windows is installed, do the relevant drivers get installed automatically if I go to Windows Update? The reason I ask is that my Downloads folder currently has various zipped folders which look like drivers that the shop who built my PC must have downloaded.

I'm so sorry for all the questions - I do hope someone will be able to help me.

Windows 11 is pretty good about having or getting drivers automatically. Sometime via Windows Update. If needed, you can install any still required drivers afterwards.

My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Computer type
    Custom self build
    Intel i7-8700K 5 GHz
    ASUS ROG Maximus XI Formula Z390
    64 GB (4x16GB) G.SKILL TridentZ RGB DDR4 3600 MHz (F4-3600C18D-32GTZR)
    Graphics Card(s)
    Sound Card
    Integrated Digital Audio (S/PDIF)
    Monitor(s) Displays
    2 x Samsung Odyssey G75 27"
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    1TB Samsung 990 PRO M.2,
    4TB Samsung 990 PRO M.2,
    8TB WD MyCloudEX2Ultra NAS
    Seasonic Prime Titanium 850W
    Thermaltake Core P3 wall mounted
    Corsair Hydro H115i
    Logitech wireless K800
    Logitech MX Master 3
    Internet Speed
    1 Gbps Download and 35 Mbps Upload
    Google Chrome
    Microsoft Defender and Malwarebytes Premium
    Other Info
    Logitech Z625 speaker system,
    Logitech BRIO 4K Pro webcam,
    HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdn,
    CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD
    Galaxy S23 Plus phone
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 Pro
    Computer type
    Surface Laptop 7 Copilot+ PC
    Snapdragon X Elite (12 core) 3.42 GHz
    16 GB LPDDR5x-7467 MHz
    Monitor(s) Displays
    15" HDR
    Screen Resolution
    2496 x 1664
    Hard Drives
    1 TB SSD
    Internet Speed
    Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.4
    Chrome and Edge
    Windows Defender
Thank you to everyone for your replies. You're a great bunch.

With regards the partitioning, if I wipe the disk in step 11 of the tutorial will I be back to one main partition? have to admit this is the bit I'm not looking forward to, ha ha. If so, is it after this that I would then use the MiniTool Partition Wizard?

What happens to all the existing drive letters which my card reader is using up? I can't seem to rename them without having the necessary media to put in the card slots.

Incidentally, my Bluray/RW is using up the D: letter currently so I would need to use yet another drive letter for the new partition. Ideally I'd like to have C: for the system and D: for the data partition. Then I'd like to use E: for the second SSD disk. Then I imagine there will be 4 drive letters used up by the card reader. I would like to avoid using up K: and quite a number of other drive letters I currently use for various external devices.

One last thing I noticed with my system at present is when I go to System > Storage > Disks & volumes, I have the following :

(No label)
Full repair needed
EFI system partition
System volume

Is this something to be concerned about? Will it just get overwritten with the clean install or is a repair required first, in which case, how?

Thank you for your continued patience.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11
    Computer type
    Custom built
With regards the partitioning, if I wipe the disk in step 11 of the tutorial will I be back to one main partition?
The Windows clean install includes everything that is needed.
Just delete all partitions in tutorial Step 11 and Windows will create the partitions it needs during the installation.
You do not need to use MiniToolPartitionWizard at all.

What happens to all the existing drive letters which my card reader is using up? I can't seem to rename them without having the necessary media to put in the card slots.
It's the media that have drive letters. The reader is just the means of reading them.

my Bluray/RW
That can all be addressed afterwards. That's why I suggested showing a disk mgmt diagram afterwards.

One last thing I noticed with my system at present is when I go to System > Storage > Disks & volumes, I have the following :
Please post a screenshot .


My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11 Home x64 Version 23H2 Build 22631.3447
Thank you to everyone for your replies. You're a great bunch.

With regards the partitioning, if I wipe the disk in step 11 of the tutorial will I be back to one main partition? have to admit this is the bit I'm not looking forward to, ha ha. If so, is it after this that I would then use the MiniTool Partition Wizard?

The disk you wipe and install W11 to will have 4 partitions on it when finished. 2 system/boot partitions, the Windows partition, and a recovery partition. The clean install will set up the disk with all the required partitions it needs.

What happens to all the existing drive letters which my card reader is using up? I can't seem to rename them without having the necessary media to put in the card slots.

They will still have their own separate drive letters, but no guarantee of which letters will be assigned to each.

Incidentally, my Bluray/RW is using up the D: letter currently so I would need to use yet another drive letter for the new partition. Ideally I'd like to have C: for the system and D: for the data partition. Then I'd like to use E: for the second SSD disk. Then I imagine there will be 4 drive letters used up by the card reader. I would like to avoid using up K: and quite a number of other drive letters I currently use for various external devices.

The Windows drive will always use "C", but no guarantee on what drive letter automatically gets assigned to the other drives. You can change those drive letters afterwards though.

One last thing I noticed with my system at present is when I go to System > Storage > Disks & volumes, I have the following :

(No label)
Full repair needed
EFI system partition
System volume

Is this something to be concerned about? Will it just get overwritten with the clean install or is a repair required first, in which case, how?

Thank you for your continued patience.

This will be wiped along with the disk you install Windows on.

My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Computer type
    Custom self build
    Intel i7-8700K 5 GHz
    ASUS ROG Maximus XI Formula Z390
    64 GB (4x16GB) G.SKILL TridentZ RGB DDR4 3600 MHz (F4-3600C18D-32GTZR)
    Graphics Card(s)
    Sound Card
    Integrated Digital Audio (S/PDIF)
    Monitor(s) Displays
    2 x Samsung Odyssey G75 27"
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    1TB Samsung 990 PRO M.2,
    4TB Samsung 990 PRO M.2,
    8TB WD MyCloudEX2Ultra NAS
    Seasonic Prime Titanium 850W
    Thermaltake Core P3 wall mounted
    Corsair Hydro H115i
    Logitech wireless K800
    Logitech MX Master 3
    Internet Speed
    1 Gbps Download and 35 Mbps Upload
    Google Chrome
    Microsoft Defender and Malwarebytes Premium
    Other Info
    Logitech Z625 speaker system,
    Logitech BRIO 4K Pro webcam,
    HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdn,
    CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD
    Galaxy S23 Plus phone
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 Pro
    Computer type
    Surface Laptop 7 Copilot+ PC
    Snapdragon X Elite (12 core) 3.42 GHz
    16 GB LPDDR5x-7467 MHz
    Monitor(s) Displays
    15" HDR
    Screen Resolution
    2496 x 1664
    Hard Drives
    1 TB SSD
    Internet Speed
    Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.4
    Chrome and Edge
    Windows Defender
If you log in as administrator, press WIN+X and run disk management you can assign or remove drive letters for any connected drives that have been previously 'paired' with a drive letter. They have to be connected to remove a drive letter. When next used, Windows will assign a new drive letter.

Open Disk Management and right click on a removable drive...

Drive letters 1.jpg

Then click on 'Change Drive Letter and Paths...'

Drive letters 2.jpg

Then click on 'Remove'

My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Windows 11 Pro 24H2 26100.2894
    Computer type
    Acer Swift SF114-34
    Pentium Silver N6000 1.10GHz
    Screen Resolution
    1920 x 1080
    Hard Drives
    Internet Speed
    150 Mbps
    Webroot Secure Anywhere
    Other Info
    System 3

    ASUS T100TA Transformer
    Processor Intel Atom Z3740 @ 1.33GHz
    Installed RAM 2.00 GB (1.89 GB usable)
    System type 32-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    Edition Windows 10 Home
    Version 22H2 build 19045.3570
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 Pro 23H2 22631.2506
    Computer type
    HP Mini 210-1090NR PC (bought in late 2009!)
    Atom N450 1.66GHz
If you log in as administrator, press WIN+X and run disk management you can assign or remove drive letters for any connected drives that have been previously 'paired' with a drive letter. They have to be connected to remove a drive letter. When next used, Windows will assign a new drive letter.

Open Disk Management and right click on a removable drive...

Then click on 'Change Drive Letter and Paths...'

Then click on 'Remove'

Thanks. The issue I may encounter is that I do not have all kinds of different media for my card reader. It seems to use up 4 drive letters but I only have SD cards and and so I presume I won't be able to change the drive letter for the others without getting hold of various different flash drives.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11
    Computer type
    Custom built
Plug the card reader in and follow my instructions to remove any allocated drive letters. That will release all those drive letters for other drives. It won't make the card reader inaccessible it will just stop those drive letters being reserved for the card reader. The next drive you insert will temporarily be given the first available drive letter, D, if you only have C drive visible in Disk Management.

You don't need any card in the card reader to REMOVE a drive letter but you can't then allocate a drive letter to an EMPTY slot. I have just tested this.
Last edited:

My Computers

System One System Two

  • OS
    Windows 11 Pro 24H2 26100.2894
    Computer type
    Acer Swift SF114-34
    Pentium Silver N6000 1.10GHz
    Screen Resolution
    1920 x 1080
    Hard Drives
    Internet Speed
    150 Mbps
    Webroot Secure Anywhere
    Other Info
    System 3

    ASUS T100TA Transformer
    Processor Intel Atom Z3740 @ 1.33GHz
    Installed RAM 2.00 GB (1.89 GB usable)
    System type 32-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    Edition Windows 10 Home
    Version 22H2 build 19045.3570
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 Pro 23H2 22631.2506
    Computer type
    HP Mini 210-1090NR PC (bought in late 2009!)
    Atom N450 1.66GHz
Make it as easy/simple as possible. Just remove all SD-Cards during Installation. That's all!
Tomorrow is you great day :-)
Good luck

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 10
    Computer type
    HP ZBook
    Intel 6700HQ
    Graphics Card(s)
    AMD FirePro 5170M
    Hard Drives
    Samsung SSD 860 Pro
    Other Info
    some Red Hat workhorses

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