Ugh.. I hate to pile on here, but I'm having a very similar issue.
I have a POS system, DOS based, that runs SMB1.0.. At some point recently.. No more access to it via Win11. Win10 still works great. I've tried, I think all of the suggestions here.. No love.
I have wiresharked it.. I can share that capture if you like.. But I think the event viewer logs might be more useful.
First off, if I try to connect via command prompt.. That results in
C:\Users\NCCTest>net use Z: \\\posfiles
System error 67 has occurred.
The network name cannot be found.
Now.. That is there. That command works perfectly on a Win10 machine
C:\Users\NCCTest>net use Z: \\\posfiles
The password is invalid for \\\posfiles.
Enter the user name for '':
Now.. On win11.. When I do that, if I go into event viewer->Appllications and Services Logs->Microsoft->Windows->SMB Client->Connectivity.. i get 2 errors and an 'informational'..
In this order..
Information -
Could not find a certificate mapping that matches the server name.
Connection type: Quic
Server name:
Error -
Failed to establish a network connection.
Error: The transport connection attempt was refused by the remote system.
Server name:
Server address:
Instance name: \Device\LanmanRedirector
Connection type: TCPIP
Port origin: The port was selected from the global registry settings.
This indicates a problem with the underlying network or transport, such as with TCP/IP or QUIC/UDP, and not with SMB. A firewall that blocks the TCP or UDP port listed in the Server Address field can also cause this issue.
Error 2 -
Failed to establish a network connection.
Error: The QUIC connection was idle.
Server name:
Server address:
Instance name: \Device\LanmanRedirector
Connection type: Quic
Port origin: The port was selected from the global registry settings.
Connection ID: 0x6BB029B26C91FE44
Client certificate thumbprint: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
This indicates a problem with the underlying network or transport, such as with TCP/IP or QUIC/UDP, and not with SMB. A firewall that blocks the TCP or UDP port listed in the Server Address field can also cause this issue.
I've disabled the signing and QUIC, or so I think.. But the errors seem to suggest.. They're still enabled.
Signing.. Is certainly off
PS C:\Users\NCCTest> Get-SmbClientConfiguration | FL RequireSecuritySignature
RequireSecuritySignature : False
I've also run from powershell
Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMBQUIC $false
Struggling here a bit.. Just fishing for ideas. Obviously.. Yes, I have SMB Client enabled on both sides.
just in case it helps.. results of Get-SmbClientConfiguration from both machines..
ConnectionCountPerRssNetworkInterface : 4
DirectoryCacheEntriesMax : 16
DirectoryCacheEntrySizeMax : 65536
DirectoryCacheLifetime : 10
DormantFileLimit : 1023
EnableBandwidthThrottling : True
EnableByteRangeLockingOnReadOnlyFiles : True
EnableInsecureGuestLogons : True
EnableLargeMtu : True
EnableLoadBalanceScaleOut : True
EnableMultiChannel : True
EnableSecuritySignature : True
ExtendedSessionTimeout : 1000
FileInfoCacheEntriesMax : 64
FileInfoCacheLifetime : 10
FileNotFoundCacheEntriesMax : 128
FileNotFoundCacheLifetime : 5
KeepConn : 600
MaxCmds : 50
MaximumConnectionCountPerServer : 32
OplocksDisabled : False
RequireSecuritySignature : False
SessionTimeout : 60
UseOpportunisticLocking : True
WindowSizeThreshold : 8
AuditInsecureGuestLogon : False
AuditServerDoesNotSupportEncryption : False
AuditServerDoesNotSupportSigning : False
BlockNTLM : False
BlockNTLMServerExceptionList :
CompressibilitySamplingSize : 524288000
CompressibleThreshold : 104857600
ConnectionCountPerRssNetworkInterface : 4
DirectoryCacheEntriesMax : 16
DirectoryCacheEntrySizeMax : 65536
DirectoryCacheLifetime : 10
DisableCompression : False
DisabledSMBQUICServerExceptionList :
DormantFileLimit : 1023
EnableBandwidthThrottling : True
EnableByteRangeLockingOnReadOnlyFiles : True
EnableCompressibilitySampling : False
EnableInsecureGuestLogons : True
EnableLargeMtu : True
EnableLoadBalanceScaleOut : True
EnableMailslots : False
EnableMultiChannel : True
EnableSecuritySignature : False
EnableSMBQUIC : False
EncryptionCiphers : AES_128_GCM, AES_128_CCM, AES_256_GCM, AES_256_CCM
ExtendedSessionTimeout : 1000
FileInfoCacheEntriesMax : 64
FileInfoCacheLifetime : 10
FileNotFoundCacheEntriesMax : 128
FileNotFoundCacheLifetime : 5
ForceSMBEncryptionOverQuic : False
InvalidAuthenticationCacheLifetime : 30
KeepConn : 600
MaxCmds : 50
MaximumConnectionCountPerServer : 32
OplocksDisabled : False
RequestCompression : False
RequireEncryption : False
RequireSecuritySignature : False
SessionTimeout : 60
SkipCertificateCheck : False
Smb2DialectMax : None
Smb2DialectMin : None
UseOpportunisticLocking : True
WindowSizeThreshold : 8