played around for a bit this afternoon. got a new workaround that takes a fraction of a second, but is a few more steps to set up.... things you'll need:
Guid Generator (Portable App)
Microsoft GUID Generator (GuidGen).Use the GUID Generator to generate globally unique identifiers, or GUIDs, that you can use to identify your ActiveX
Free keyboard macro program. Supports hotkeys for keyboard, mouse, and joystick. Can expand abbreviations as you type them (AutoText).
Follow these directions:
create new ahk script - open notepad, paste:
Send ^l
Send C:
Send {Enter}
*Send C: - can be changed to desired path... D:, etc)*
Save as nameithere.ahk
right click .ahk > compile script
notate where you save the .exe
Create the new GUID.
How to add anything you want to Control Panel
*When you assign the name, launch CharMap, Search for 200B (blank character). copy and paste that as the name so it appears first in the list of icon view*
for the path, use the location of the .exe you created first
now create a new .ahk and paste:
run, %systemdrive%\Windows\System32\control.exe
Send {ENTER}
name it Win10Explorer (or whatever)
right click .ahk > compile script
place .exe wherever you want.
when launched, it will launch Control Panel and immediately press Enter, which chooses the first item displayed... which is the blank name that points to the first script you wrote that sends the address of the desired UNC
You can right click your desktop, create new shortcut and paste:
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass -c "& {"Start-Process \"Control\"; $wshell = New-Object -ComObject; $null = $wshell.AppActivate(\"Control Panel\"); $wshell.SendKeys("'""^"lThis PC~"'")}
Right click the shortcut > Properties > set run to "minimized"
I didn't create this shortcut, but did remove the sleep time between commands. if you set it to run as minimized, you dont need the sleep interval in there.