Devices Disable Open Handwriting Panel or Touch Keyboard with Pen in Windows 11


This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable opening the handwriting panel or touch keyboard with a pen when no keyboard is attached for your account in Windows 11.

The touch keyboard in Windows 11 includes a handwriting panel layout you can use to enter text with a pen or your finger.

When you tap a text field with a pen when a physical keyboard isn't attached for tablet and 2in1 devices, it will open the handwriting panel or touch keyboard to input text by default.


  • Option One: Enable or Disable Open Handwriting Panel or Touch Keyboard with Pen in Settings
  • Option Two: Enable or Disable Open Handwriting Panel or Touch Keyboard with Pen using REG file

EXAMPLE: Touch keyboard and handwriting panel


Option One

Enable or Disable Open Handwriting Panel or Touch Keyboard with Pen in Settings

1 Open Settings (Win+I).

2 Click/tap on Bluetooth & devices on the left side, and click/tap on Pen & Windows Ink on the right side. (see screenshot below)


3 Click/tap on Use your handwriting to enter text to expand it open. (see screenshot below step 4)

4 Select When a physical keyboard isn't attached (default - enable) or Never (disable) for what you want in the When I tap a text field with my pen, use the handwriting panel or touch keyboard to input text drop menu.


5 You can now close Settings if you like.

Option Two

Enable or Disable Open Handwriting Panel or Touch Keyboard with Pen using REG file

1 Do step 2 (enable) or step 3 (disable) below for what you would like to do.

2 Enable "When I tap a text field with my pen, use the handwriting panel or touch keyboard to input text"

This is the default setting.

A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4 below.​


(Contents of REG file for reference)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


3 Disable "When I tap a text field with my pen, use the handwriting panel or touch keyboard to input text"

A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4 below.​


(Contents of REG file for reference)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


4 Save the .reg file to your desktop.

5 Double click/tap on the downloaded .reg file to merge it.

6 When prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK to approve the merge.

7 You can now delete the downloaded .reg file if you like.

That's it,
Shawn Brink



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