Who cares really -- unless you've got something to hide why bother. Unless you move to "The people's paradise" of N.Korea we all need money -- businesses, pensioners, workers of any sort, investors etc etc.
In any case even in the days of super fast computers and massive increase in storage capacity the sheer volume of data swilling around the Internet is just too vast for people to worry about where "jimbo" does his internet seaching or what he's looking for. If people are up to no good then I have no problem with that being flagged and sent to the appropriate authorities e.g "Child Porn, Paedophilia. Terrorism", etc.
Too much paranoia these days.
In any case even in the days of super fast computers and massive increase in storage capacity the sheer volume of data swilling around the Internet is just too vast for people to worry about where "jimbo" does his internet seaching or what he's looking for. If people are up to no good then I have no problem with that being flagged and sent to the appropriate authorities e.g "Child Porn, Paedophilia. Terrorism", etc.
Too much paranoia these days.
My Computer
System One
- OS
- Windows XP,7,10,11 Linux Arch Linux
- Computer type
- PC/Desktop
- 2 X Intel i7