Enable Intel Rapid Storage Technology in BIOS?

Dear Scannerman, thank you very much for your reply.

I dont want to use RAID, I dont want to make an array, its just how the system came.

Its a laptop, I want to use it for developing, 3D creation, music, etc.

I dont want to use the second SSD just for storage or backup because i needs its space, its a 2TB while the main one its only 500GBs so i would like to use it as just a regular drive where i can install applications, etc.

I figured adding the 2TB SATA SSD i would not have space problems for a good while.

I had never dealt with this VMD, my last latop was from 5th generation. so its completely new to me and I am trying to just make it work without these hicups.
Up until i realized it was the VMD controller i actually thought at some point i had lost everything i had in the 2TB SSD, that the problem could be it was just not working. Can you imagine how it is to think you lost EVERYTHING from work, university, etc? Nerve wrecking! :)

To be honest, now that i know its a VMD Controller thing and basically evberything is fine, i am much more relaxed but its still a stress everytim drive F just stops being recognized. Last time i was working on a 3D object on blender and lost all tha changes i had done.
Its juts not possible to work like this.

If i disable the VMD in the BIOS then the laptop wont start up.

If anyone has experience with this VMD that can share some insights, its really appreciated.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11
Dear Scannerman, thank you very much for your reply.

I dont want to use RAID, I dont want to make an array, its just how the system came.

Its a laptop, I want to use it for developing, 3D creation, music, etc.

I dont want to use the second SSD just for storage or backup because i needs its space, its a 2TB while the main one its only 500GBs so i would like to use it as just a regular drive where i can install applications, etc.

I figured adding the 2TB SATA SSD i would not have space problems for a good while.

I had never dealt with this VMD, my last latop was from 5th generation. so its completely new to me and I am trying to just make it work without these hicups.
Up until i realized it was the VMD controller i actually thought at some point i had lost everything i had in the 2TB SSD, that the problem could be it was just not working. Can you imagine how it is to think you lost EVERYTHING from work, university, etc? Nerve wrecking! :)

To be honest, now that i know its a VMD Controller thing and basically evberything is fine, i am much more relaxed but its still a stress everytim drive F just stops being recognized. Last time i was working on a 3D object on blender and lost all tha changes i had done.
Its juts not possible to work like this.

If i disable the VMD in the BIOS then the laptop wont start up.

If anyone has experience with this VMD that can share some insights, its really appreciated.

Before you do anything else I highly, highly recommend that you clone that SSD with all that critical data on it. The price of SSDs has come down considerably. Cloning software is easy to use and much of it is free. Once you have cloned the SSD with all your critical data you can tuck it away in a safe place. At this point you will be in a better position to "experiment" or attempt repair.

Taking risks like avoiding any backup at all is inadvisable. Having an identical clone tucked away will greatly relieve any potential stress involved in making a repair. I apologize for not having the expertise to help you further with VMD even though I am well-acquainted with RAID. I hope this helps.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    WIN 11, WIN 10, WIN 8.1, WIN 7 U, WIN 7 PRO, WIN 7 HOME (32 Bit), LINUX MINT
    Computer type
    DIY, ASUS, and DELL
    Intel i7 6900K (octocore) / AMD 3800X (8 core)
    ASUS X99E-WS USB 3.1
    Graphics Card(s)
    NVIDIA 1070
    Sound Card
    Crystal Sound (onboard)
    Monitor(s) Displays
    single Samsung 30" 4K and 8" aux monitor
    Screen Resolution
    4K and something equally attrocious
    Hard Drives
    A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W

    Ports X, Y, and Z are reserved for USB access and removable drives.

    Drive types consist of the following: Various mechanical hard drives bearing the brand names, Seagate, Toshiba, and Western Digital. Various NVMe drives bearing the brand names Kingston, Intel, Silicon Power, Crucial, Western Digital, and Team Group. Various SATA SSDs bearing various different brand names.

    RAID arrays included:

    LSI RAID 10 (WD Velociraptors) 1115.72 GB
    LSI RAID 10 (WD SSDS) 463.80 GB

    INTEL RAID 0 (KINGSTON HYPER X) System 447.14 GB
    SEVERAL. I prefer my Corsair Platinum HX1000i but I also like EVGA power supplies
    ThermalTake Level 10 GT (among others)
    Noctua is my favorite and I use it in my main. I also own various other coolers. Not a fan of liquid cooling.
    all kinds.
    all kinds
    Internet Speed
    360 mbps - 1 gbps (depending)
    KASPERSKY (no apologies)
    Other Info
    I own too many laptops: A Dell touch screen with Windows 11 and 6 others (not counting the other four laptops I bought for this household.) Being a PC builder I own many desktop PCs as well. I am a father of five providing PCs, laptops, and tablets for all my family, most of which I have modified, rebuilt, or simply built from scratch. I do not own a cell phone, never have, never will.
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