This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off showing file duplication and cloud storage labels on gallery tiles in the Photos app for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11.
The Microsoft Photos app included in Windows is a rich media experience that empowers you to do more with your photos and videos. View, organize, and share photos from your PC, OneDrive, iCloud Photos and other devices all from one gallery.
By default, the Photos app will show file duplication and cloud storage (ex: OneDrive) labels on gallery tiles, but you can turn off "Show gallery tile attributes" if you don't want them to show.
EXAMPLE: Photos app gallery tile attributes
Here's How:
1 Open the Photos app.
2 Click/tap on the Settings (gear) icon at the top. (see screenshot below)
If you do not see the Settings (gear) icon, then click/tap on the See more (3 dots) button and click/tap on Settings.
3 Under Personalization, turn on (default) or off Show gallery tile attributes for what you want.
That's it,
Shawn Brink
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