Hmmm! I wonder about all the responses. Fact or fiction. You CAN NOT install any browser you want. MS comes with Edge and that's that. In order to install any other browser, you need Edge to do so. So - that's what I did. Installed Firefox as my default and keep Edge as a back up. And those are the only 2 I need. IMHO.
Chrome is an older Edge. Most of the new browsers are clones of IE or Chrome or whatever? I don't have the facts. Just my common sense. Firefox and Edge are all I need. IMHO.
With any new installation of Windows 11 (or any new computer, for that matter) Microsoft Edge comes with it as default. The natural result is to think one has to actually use Edge to get another browser of their choice. And that is true, so far as things go. However . . .
Because I'm always working on others' computers, and clean installing Windows quite often, I've found other ways to do things than to just accept that I can't change what Microsoft thinks I should have on my computer. As my mother always told me, "There are more ways than one to skin a cat . . . although I don't understand why I would do that!
I keep a flash drive with various default apps, such as Firefox, Unchecky, Speccy, Libre Office, etc. Then when clean installing or setting up a new computer, I install Firefox first. Voila! No use of Edge necessary! And, if Firefox Setup is out of date, all I have to do is let it update itself.
This, of course, doesn't work if the computer is new and the new owner has no real computer knowledge or friends who do.

S/he probably wouldn't know about flash drives, or even browsers. So, they'd just keep using Edge. Eventually, though, they'd learn.
And now for the disclaimer: I use Windows 11, and have used Microsoft products all the way back to MS DOS and Windows 3.0, learning all the way. I've been a Beta Tester, and seen the good and bad decisions made by Microsoft. I'm not above complaining. I'm also not above giving credit where where credit is due. In fact, Windows is the best and most secure OS we have as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, and I'm not going to use Edge!