Peaceful? It was my turn as a spectator on day 2 of the speedcubing competition
My grandson did as well as he had hoped for, and finished well into the top half of each event he had entered. As one of the youngest competitors there that was a good performance.
With as many competitors as there are each round is divided into groups, The 3x3 is one of the more popular events, and there were eight groups in the first round. Two groups at a time compete, so there were four sessions in the first round. My grandson was in the first group, and when they have finished their session they become the judges for the next group to compete. As the faster players get put in the later groups this means that they get the chance to see some real champions in action close up. Here are the tables for one of the groups. Each table has two judges, one at either end, with two competitors in the middle.
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My grandson got though to round two of the 3x3, and only just missed the cut-off for round three. All in all a good time was had by all.