It's obvious, even to this OLD tech, that the M2 drives have added more hate and discontent to the PC world than the IDE to SATA upgrade ever did. I don't have one, and likely never will. Nor, do I want one!
Yes, the CLONE technique is a one off, and the "restore a backup Image file" can be repeated over and over again. And, even though I have always had that option, I've still opted for a clone, when moving my OS from one drive to another.
When cloning a drive, I want every tiny bit of information, from the boot sector, to the last bit in the last partition. Nothing escapes a true Clone, like the ones I've done with Ghost.
The SSD I'm on right now, is a true Clone of the SSD on my Main PC, in another room. I've used the same technique to supply HD's to several other PC, including some Laptops.
But, I've always been a PC TECH, since I built my first PC ~1980, and not just a casual user. So, I've always had a desktop PC with multiple HD ports, so doing a CLONE has never been a problem for me. Granted, it's much easier with SATA drives than it was with the IDE or MFM drives.
(fewer BIG cables to fuss with).
I really don't understand all the hate and discontent with Ghost. It was the first highly comprehensive Backup software, from which all others have stemmed. Even though Symantec fussed with it for several years, they never destroyed it's complete functionality.
I've used Ghost in one version or another, (2.0 through 11.5) now for 27 years, without ever a complete failure. Even the slight failures I've had with Ghost, were my fault, operator error, and not the fault of the program. And once I corrected my own fault, the program worked just fine, as it always had before.
Nowadays, we have the same Ghost 11.5, that I've used from a DOS boot disk, for years, in a Windows 10 Shell, produced and released by "Broadcom". I still use the old DOS version and the new Broadcom versions, equally, booting up from a Flash Drive.
Certain versions seem to work better with certain PC's.
To post the link to the new Broadcom version, may just break forum rules, so I'll abstain, for now anyway.
But even with all the screaming, yelling and stomping of feet, I will NEVER trust any of the Johnny Come Lately, so called, Backup Programs. I've tried several of them, and found them all seriously wanting. Witness, the many posts on this and other forums, that those programs have had serious problems. It's almost a daily occurrence.
I'm sorry that my post ran so long.